3: chapter one

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"Alright Harry!" Sirius said, walking into their room and flopping down onto his mattress.

"Yeah, are you?" Harry asked, looking at his brother.

"I am, just excited to meet my friends." Sirius mused.

"Isn't that still two weeks away?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, but it means I get out of here." Sirius shrugged, looking at his owl, who like himself, looked like he'd rather be anywhere else.

"Can we talk?" Harry asked.

"We already are, but go on." Sirius laughed to himself, but stopped when he saw his brothers serious facial expression.

"What's goin on with you?" Harry asked, sitting in their desk chair so he could face his brother properly.

"What do you mean?" Sirius frowned and sat up, he could tell it was going to be a serious conversation.

"Why were you, Hannah and Ernie in the chamber of secrets?" Harry asked, Sirius could tell he wasn't going to let this go, especially now he knew about Aro.

"I told you, we were investigating." Sirius replied, he had already used the excuse once, but tried it again anyway.

"And it had nothing to do with that weird ghost man?" Of course Harry didn't believe him, Sirius wasn't sure why he was bothering with trying to convince his brother of anything other than what he'd decided was true. But he kept trying anyway.

"No, it had nothing to do with Aro, we were intrigued and wanted revenge for what happened to Justin." Sirius replied, it was believable and partly true.

"I feel as though we haven't talked a lot lately." Harry mused after a moments silence. Sirius frowned at him.

"Thsts not my fault!" He quickly defended himself.

"I know it's just-" Harry sighed. "Why dont your friends like me?"

"Because you're annoying." Sirius replied without a moments hesitation.

"Oh thanks!" Harry rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Harry, look, I dont know why they dont like you, they've never actually given me a reason." Sirius shrugged, musing on the fact that they never had in fact given him a valid reason.

"Did you know Aunt Marge is coming next week." Harry said, breaking the momentary silence that had come between them.

Sirius groaned and flopped onto his back dramatically. "Oh she's not is she?"


"She's not even our Aunt, I dont know why we have to interact with her." Sirius grumbled mutinously, Harry frowned hoping his brother never voiced this opinion to the Dursleys.

"Because its polite?" Harry suggested.

Sirius scoffed. "I'm sorry, have you met the Dursley's?"

Harry laughed, shaking his head at his brother. "That's actually a good point."

"I mean when they gave us to the Dursleys, was there really no one, no one at all who could take us, I mean seriously! They take the meaning of muggle to a whole new level!" Sorius exclaimed causing Harry to burst out laughing loudly.

"Apparently not." Harry finally said when he had finished laughing at his brother, who was not impressed that he was being laughed at.

"Its a cruel world we live in Harry!" Sirius exclaimed dramatically. "And life is an even crueler Mistress!"

"I'm not going to argue with you there." Harry replied, once again shaking his head at his brothers antics.

"I'd be upset if you did Harry." Sirius sighed. "When is she coming then?"

"Friday, at one." Harry replied, raising an eyebrow at his brother. "Don't start anything."

"Me? That's usually your area of expertise." Sirius shot back, pulling a face at his brother.

"Oh thanks!" Harry exclaimed, but he pulled a face back at his brother anyway.

Aunt Marge had arrived and Sirius had already set himself up for hiding in his room for the duration of the visit. He had snaffled some snacks he knew wouldn't be missed and could hear her bumbling about downstairs.

"Wheres the other one then?" He heard the grating voice as though she was stood right next to him.

"Upstairs." Aunt petunia seemed both small and kindly compared to Marge.

"Well at least he's out of your way, unlike that one." Marge said, directed to Harry no doubt.

Sirius felt sorry that his brother was facing her without back up, but as Harry didn't have the sense to have told the Dursleys he would keep out of their way, it was his own fault really.

He was lucky the Durlseys weren't too bothered about what he did, as long as he kept out of their way and was quiet. Harry would never manage this, he was like a magnet for trouble and Sirius was dreading what was going to happen during the duration of Marge's stay at the house.

Time was dragging on and the smells of Aunt Petunia's cooking were wafting up to Sirius, making his stomach gurgle. He assessed the snacks he had brought and decided upon a slice of bread.

As he munched on his bread, he could hear Marge's voice getting louder and louder, she was annoyed at something that was for sure. What she was ranting about this time? Sirius didn't want to know, nor did he particularly care. It's when he also heard Vernon and Petunia shouting that he thought things were getting strange. They never argued with Marge.

Hearing them run out into the garden, Sirius decided to look out of the window to see what was going on, it wasn't the best view, but if you poked your head out of the window you could just about see the garden from his room.

It was definitely not what he was expecting to have happened, Marge had blown up into a balloon and was floating off into the sky, having to hold in his laughter, Sirius watched her for a minute until he heard shouting inside the house again.

"You bring her back boy, do you hear me!" Uncle Vernon was shouting at whoever was stomping up the stairs. Probably Harry, it was always Harry.

Sirius seemed to be right as a moment later Harry stormed into their room.

"Sirius pack your trunk we're leaving." He instructed, almost throwing Sirius' trunk at him.

"Harry what is going on?" Sirius asked, he didn't dare to add up the pieces himself.

"I blew up Aunt Marge."

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