2: chapter one

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Once reaching Surrey, Sirius was about to head towards the Dursleys, an hour's walk, but he didn't mind, when Jane stopped him.

"We need to go to Aros." She told him, he just stared at her, wondering why. He had forgotten they lived with the man, as he had brought them up.

"Well done Sirius." The man himself walked out of the shadows, as always. Sirius jumped, he never got used to his sudden appearances. "You found them, and discovered your natural talent."

"You knew he can do wandless magic?!" Ollie asked in surprise, he had seemed to get better on their journey from York.

"Of course I do, it's one of the reasons I chose him." Aro replied, rolling his eyes. An expression that looked so wrong on his face. Sirius took a step back, Aro made him nervous. "You two had better come back with me." The Swan siblings just nodded, but Jane seemed to be contemplating something.

"Sirius could come with us?" She suggested, they all turned to the potter boy, who shook  his head. "Why not?"

"I can't do that to Harry." Sirius explained. "I told him I'd come back." Aro slapped him upside the head, sighing as though repremanding a toddler.

"Your loyalty is to me, not your brother boy!" He was almost yelling in anger, but Sirius still adamantly shook his head.

"You don't know what they're like." He replied. He  felt someone watching him with worry and met Ollie's eyes. Trying to hide his regret at leaving his brother with the Dursleys, Sirius looked at Aro again. "Please?"

"Then I expect you not to put a toe out of line at Hogwarts, I want perfection, seeing as you refuse to learn from me." Aro told him. "I will not tolerate any more mistakes. You have two minutes before I leave."

Jane was first to hug Sirius, an action which made him feel weird inside. Jane being expressively nice was wrong. "You actually didn't mess this up." She told him.


"See you at Hogwarts." She added, before letting go of him and glaring at him. "Don't tell people I hugged you, they'll start thinking I'm not a threat." He just nodded, not sure anyone really found her to be that threatening.

Ollie hugged him last, Sirius knew he cared too much, although he wasn't sure why. "Be careful, I dread to think how much he'll hurt you next time you step out of line." He sighed. "Thanks for helping us out Sirius."

"Don't worry about it." Sirius grinned at him. "Besides, I think I might have learned my lesson."

When they had gone, leaving Sirius alone with his thoughts, it occurred to him that everyone was expecting him to fail. They all thought that he would be stupid enough to go against Aro a second time. Maybe he was, but Sirius had become wiser, he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon when Sirius finally reached number four proved drive, his lack of sleep had made it hard for him to navigate the slightly unfamiliar streets, and he had gotten lost, seven times. The house was a bustle of preparation,  and the Dursleys didn't notice him sneaking into the house and up to the room he shared with his brother.

Sirius opened the door, expecting to find his brother, instead finding a particularly 'so ugly it's cute' house elf, dressed in a pillowcase and jumping up and down like a mad man on Harry's bed.

"You're not Harry, are you?" Sirius asked uncertainly, he wasn't sure what Harry had been up to whilst Sirius had been away on his escapade to to York  He could have transfigured himself into a house elf, at least Sirius supposed he could.

"No Sir, I am Dobby the house elf, you are Sirius Potter, twin brother of Harry Potter." Dobby informed him, as though concerned Sirius was having an identity crisis and needed reminding of who he was. "Master Aro is very angry with you."

"Isn't he always." Sirius mumbled, before realising what Dobby had said. "Wait, did he send you?" A spy? Would Aro do that?

"No Sir, I am here to warn your brother." He replied. Sirius shrugged, sounded like something that would happen to Harry, although he wasn't sure what Dobby could possibly warn Harry about, it's not like you know who would come back again, who makes a mistake like that again?

"Okay, well  you do you, I'm going to take a nap." Sirius was exhausted, but he still thought to pause and consider the house elf. "If you don't mind?"

"Not at all sir." Dobby replied, before going back to jumping on Harry's bed.

"Thanks Dobby." Sirius shook his head and dug through his side of the wardrobe, choosing some clothes to sleep in and heading into the bathroom.

He was about to crawl into bed after sorting everything out, when he realised he was starving. He could hear the lawnmower being used, and guessed that Harry was outside.

Which meant Aunt Petunia was the one in the kitchen and the others had left a few moments ago. He was right, and got the oddest look when he entered the room.

"I don't know or care where you've been, but don't try that again." She told him at once, he just nodded, too tired to bother. She passed him a plate of a slice of toast and a hunk of cheese and as soon as the last bites were gone, she took it away and told him not to leave his room.

Sirius was perfectly fine with that.

He went back upstairs to find Dobby still there, he greeted the elf, before going to bed, falling asleep a moment after his head touched the pillow.

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