1: chapter twenty six

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The compartment was full of soft chatter, but Sirius heard none of it. He leant against the window, his head feeling like it was about to burst, his body feeling like it was on fire. His friends sat opposite him and the swan siblings sat beside him, but he still felt somewhat unsafe, he felt watched and he just wanted it all to go away.

"Sirius? Are you Okay?" Hannah's voice reached him, he sighed and sat up, nodding.

"I'm fine Hannah." He told her, she didn't look convinced. Neither did the others.

"Sirius, we aren't falling for that." Justin announced to him gently.

"I have a headache." He admitted after a moment. Ollie looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Just a headache?" He asked slowly, suspiciously.

"Yes." Sirius answered, hoping he sounded convincing. He seemed to have convinced them at any rate.

"Have you tried taking a nap?" Ernie suggested. Sirius shook his head.

"I'll give it a go." He agreed. He leaned back against the window and tried to nap, but he knew despite the chatter they were watching him.

Nobody said anything, all wondering what was going on with the boy. Only Ollie had some idea, but he didn't tell the others, he knew Sirius would handle it better than he had.

When Sirius awoke, the trolley lady had just left. Ollie pushed a pumpkin pasty into his hands and pressed the back of his hand to Sirius' forehead.

"You have a temperature." He stated. Sirius looked at him and nodded.

"Headache." He prompted. Ollie nodded.

"Eat, you'll feel better." He told the Potter boy, who didn't look convinced.

"He's right, believe me." Jane added. Sirius sighed and took a bite, Ollie and Jane were right, it did make him feel a bit better.

"So, where do you two live?" Hannah asked. Ollie and Jane exchanged nervous glances, they of course lived with Aro, but didn't want to reveal exactly where his base was.

"York, we're from York." Ollie finally answered. Justin frowned at them and Sirius sent them a questioning look.

"You don't sound like it." Ernie finally stated, Jane shrugged as though it was normal for her to be questioned on her accent.

"We've been staying with our Uncle for the past few years... family trouble you know? But it's sorted now." It was a complete fabrication, but Justin, Hannah and Ernie bought it, Sirius did not.

"Shame, we won't be able to meet up with you then. We all live in the Surrey area." Hannah said it as though the four lived terribly far apart, but they didn't. They could walk to one another's homes if they wanted. It might take a while, but it was doable.

"Maybe we'll be able to go to Surrey, we'll have to talk to our... guardian." Jane was a better liar than her brother, that much was obvious to Sirius.

"Surrey is nice, this time of year. If my aunt and uncle don't lock Harry and I under the stairs again." Sirius commented absentmindedly. They all stared at him. "What? It was only four times... last summer."

"I'm pretty sure that counts as child abuse." Hannah said, Sirius shrugged.

"We have a room now."

"You can come back with us if you want Sirius." Ollie told him, even Jane looked concerned. Sirius shook his head.

"I can pick the lock on our door, it's not a bolt." He answered. They were all still staring at him. "Guys, you're creeping me out."

"I'm three hundred percent sure you shouldn't go back there." Hannah told him. He shrugged again.

"It's fine, I can handle it." He answered. "They're only muggles... scary muggles."

"Sirius. I'm worried." Justin said, before glancing at Ernie, who had been quiet all through Sirius' revelation to them about what the Dursleys were like.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" He finally asked.

"I'll be fine, I promise. And if not, I'll get a message to you." Sirius told them, watching his friends relax slightly.

"Promise?" Jane asked. He nodded.


Sirius followed Ollie of the train, and was about to speak when Ollie went pale.

A man was stood waiting for them. "Oliver, Jane!" He waved at them.

"Ollie what's wrong?" Sirius frowned, the fear on Ollie's face was unnerving him.

"That's out father." He answered. Sirius' eyes widened.

"Are you sure?" He asked stupidly, Ollie just nodded and brought the younger boy into a hug.

He took a deep, shaky breath. "I know pushing your brother away will be hard for you, but it's for your own safety as much as his." Ollie began. Sirius nodded slowly. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. I don't know why he's here, but we'll figure that out. Just... stay safe okay?"

Ollie let go of him, and Sirius could only nod. Jane gripped his shoulders so he would take her seriously. "Don't do anything stupid. If we need you, we'll find you."

And then Swan twins left, just like that. He swamped his friends into a group hug, surprising them, but making them laugh.

"See you guys soon." Sirius told them.

"We'll break you out if you need it." Hannah promised, they broke the hug and she held out her hand, palm up. One by one the boys put their hands on hers, palm down. "Promise to see each other?"

"Promise." The Boys choroused and then laughed.

"Alright, I'd better go." Sirius sighed.

"See you later Sirius!" Justin waved him grandly. Ernie laughed and did the same.

"Don't do anything stupid." He added as a way of parting.

"I won't, see you later guys." Sirius laughed.

Once he made his way to the muggle world, Sirius found Harry and the Dursleys waiting for him.

"What took you so long boy!" Vernon yelled, taking in his appearance.

"Emotional goodbye." Sirius answered weakly, all the energy and lack of pain from the pumpkin pasty was draining out of him now.

"What happened to your face, you look scruffy." Petunia stuck up her nose at his appearance. Sirius shrugged.

"Got beat up." He answered. In a way, he had missed them, and the feeling faded once Dudley tried to push him onto the track.

It was only for the summer break, he was sure he could survive.

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