1: Chapter fifteen

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"Happy Christmas!" Sirius groaned at Justin as the boy woke him up excitedly,

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"Happy Christmas!" Sirius groaned at Justin as the boy woke him up excitedly,

"Jay, it's the start of the holidays, not Christmas day." He pointed out.

"But Sirius! No school!" Sirius laughed at his friends excitement and got out of bed.

"Well, I'm going to take a shower, and then we'll go see if there's something good for breakfast?" Sirius suggested.

"Don't take ages!" Justin yelled as Sirius headed to the bathroom.

"I won't." he laughed.

When he was finally ready, Sirius followed Justin down the stairs and into the common room, where Hannah was waiting for them. She looked bored.

"Happy holidays!" She yelled, throwing her hands up in the air as soon as she saw them.

"Morning Hannah!" Sirius laughed.

"So, any guesses what's for breakfast.?" Justin asked. The group had started a tradition of guessing what would be served for breakfast each morning.

"I guess Bacon." Sirius said.

"Toasted teacakes." Hannah announced.

"I think porridge." Justin told them, they wrinkled their noses at him.

"Why porridge? It's boring!" Hannah whined.

"Depends on what you put on it. It's nice with honey." Justin answered.

"Why don't we just get breakfast?" Sirius asked them.

"Yeah Justin." Hannah laughed. Justin rolled his eyes.

"Oh sure." He snorted.

The great hall was sparse, only a few people were dotted around the room, and Sirius found Harry and the Weasley's waving at them. "Guys! We have friends!" Hannah celebrated, pulling the boys towards the Gryffindor table.

"NO! Do we?" Sirius yelled sarcastically.

"We're going up in the world!" Justin hugged Sirius dramatically.

"Morning." Sirius grinned at his brother as they sat down opposite Harry and Ron, beside the twins, Fred and George, the other Weasley, the pompous one who Sirius couldn't remember the name of, had not joined them yet. A cooked breakfast was what was being served that morning, which included bacon.

"You win today Sirius." Justin sighed.

"I knew it!" Sirius celebrated.

"You three are crazy." Ron commented.

"Why thank you Ronald." Hannah grinned.

"Hey!" Ron frowned.

"That is your name, is it not?" She grinned back.

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