2: chapter twenty two

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After being checked by madame Pomfrey, Hannah, Ernie and Sirius returned to their common room and reclaimed their spot in the common room.

"Its almost the end of term feast tomorrow." Ernie mused as they sat in a solemn silence.

"Justin should be better soon." Sirius added hopefully.

"What did Aro say." Hannah asked after another minute of silence.

"Gideons getting worse." Sirius answered quietly.

"How bad?" Hannah asked gently.

"He's... he said he's got up and is banging on the door." Sirius replied.

"How is that possible?" Ernie asked.

"It isn't." Sirius replied. "Guys I'm scared, I feel like things are going to change."

"They probably are." Ernie said comfortingly.

"Thanks Ern, I needed that." Sirius managed a little chuckle and then sighed. "Guys, I miss Justin."

"We all do." Hannah agreed. "Have either of you packed yet?"

"No, have you?" Ernie asked her with a frown, with everything going on it hadn't crossed his mind.

"Of course!" She scoffed. "Come on I'll help you pack."

Waiting for the feast to begin, Ernie, Hannah and Sirius could hardly concentrate, Justin was due out of the hospital wing any minute and they couldn't wait.

Barely setting foot through the door to the great hall, Justin immediately saw Sirius running towards him and had to stop himself from falling over as Sirius launched himself at him. "Justin!"

"Sirius!" Justin laughed hugging his friend back. "Merlin, I've just got out of the hospital."

"Sorry, I've missed you." Sirius laughed, letting go of his friend.

"Missed you to Siri." Justin followed Sirius over to the others, who hugged him in turn.

"Not been the same without you mate." Ernie told him with a smile. Their friendship group was finally complete.

"So what did I miss?" Justin asked, the group looked at each other and laughed.

"A lot, oh boy you've missed a lot!" Hannah chuckled. "For starters Aro set us a task that Jane and Ollie couldn't have anything to do with."

"What? How come I miss all the interesting things?" Justin pouted sullenly, and then laughed. "Oh I missed you guys!"

"We visited, almost every day." Sirius told him, Justin nodded.

"I know, but I haven't been able to speak to you, I was just... petrified. It was weird." Justin sighed. "Like I could hear you, but I was just lying there."

"That's mad." Ernie mused, the others nodded in agreement.

"So go on, you went to the chamber of secrets didn't you? What was it like?" Justin asked.

"We went through this like... seal thing, which was patterned with snakes, and then it was lined with these huge statues of Salazar Slytherin's face." Sirius explained, Justin's eyes widened.

"Thst is self-love at its finest."

"I know right. Then we find Ginny and Harry, with this giant dead snake and a diary, which they stabbed with a tooth from the snake, the basilisk. And then they told us the diary used to contain an evil memory of Voldemort!" Hannah said. "And Dumbledores bird, a Phoenix it was I think, was also there, and lockhart lost his memory."

"And that all happened yesterday?" Justin asked.

"It was a wild day." Ernie finished.

"Merlin! I really miss everything exciting!" Justin sighed.

The group sat on the train on their way back to king's cross, having finished a game of exploding snap, they were now deciding on their holiday plans.

"Before we make any plans, I just have to say that I can't believe that Gryffindor won again!" Ernie sighed. "I mean it has to be fixed. Dumbledore is definitely rigging it."

"That's a point, your brother always gets points for breaking rules." Hannah added.

"Oh leave it, he did defeat the basilisk, and stop Voldemort from returning." Sirius shook his head.

"So what are we going to do?" Justin asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Hey I've an idea, third Saturday of the holidays, we meet up at the leaky cauldron, get our school supplies and then we can go back to mine." Hannah announced.

"That sounds pretty good to me." Ernie nodded. "We could stay at the leaky cauldron for a few days, explore diagon alley a bit."

"Oh yeah, we could go to the ice cream place as well." Sirius grinned, he loved ice cream.

"Oh I love that place." Justin agreed. "They're so nice in there."

"Aren't they?" Hannah nodded.

"We should go camping." Ernie said suddenly.

"Camping?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, go exploring and stuff." Ernie said.

"Its not a bad idea." Hannah nodded. "I've got a four man tent at home as well."

"Brilliant, let's do that then!" Justin agreed.

"I've never been camping before." Sirius mused.

"And we get to be the ones to take you!" Hannah clapped her hands. "Awe."

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The trolley witch opened the door to their compartment, strangely they'd managed to get one to themselves and were enjoying the space and freedom to talk about whatever they wanted without being overheard.

"Pumpkin pasties?" Ernie asked his friends, who all nodded heir agreement. He bought them all one and they quickly got back to their plans.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." Hannah said mournfully.

"You'll see us in like three weeks." Sirius pointed out.

"I know, but usually we spend almost all day together and then suddenly I don't see you for weeks." Hannah said dramatically. "Its awful!"

"Don't be so dramatic Hannah, it's only three weeks, and then we'll be seeing each other again." Ernie told her.

"Leave me to be dramatic!" Hannah said dramatically. The boys exchanged a look and then laughed.

"What are we like?" Justin rolled his eyes.

"How am I supposed to put up with the Dursleys for three weeks?" Sirius sighed, feeling as dramatic as Hannah was acting. He didn't know how he was supposed to cope with his aunt and uncle, not to mention Dudley, especially if Harry annoyed them again. A fact which was highly likely.

"You've got Harry." Justin pointed out gently.

"He's half the problem! He can't keep his head down, just goes on annoying them." Sirius shook his head. "I can't cope with him, honestly he's such a nightmare."

"I told you!"


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