2: chapter four

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Sirius was amazed by the Weasley house, it was tall, unbalanced and increasingly haphazard, and that was the beauty of it. It could only be magic that kept such a building standing, and that made it even better. It was the most homely place he had ever set eyes on and made the Dursley home seem even harsher than it usually seemed. As Fred landed the car, Sirius caught sight of the rolling fields beyond the house and wished at once to be there, in the peace and quiet.

It wasn't long before the group were crossing the yard to the house, Sirius was helped by George, who was supporting his weight, a worried look on his face.

"Where have you been?" A large, kind-looking woman, whom Sirius assumed was Mrs Weasley, screeched at them. "No note! Car gone! You could have been killed, you could have been seen!" She paused and looked at Harry, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "Not you Harry dear." She then looked at Sirius. "Nor you Sirius- oh my." She stopped, taking the boys appearance in, before carefully taking his temperature. She seemed to have seen it before, whatever sickness had a hold on him, she seemed to have come up against before. "Get inside, breakfast is on the table." She told them.

As soon as George had helped Sirius lay down on the sofa, and he along with the rest of his brothers and Harry had sat down at the table, Mrs Weasley turned to the boy. "It's Aro, isn't it, he's the only one who can help you." She asked him. He nodded.

"How- how do you know?"

"My brothers were your predecessors." She stood up from where she had knelt down beside him. "Don't worry, you're going to be alright." As she left, he felt his eyes grow heavy and he soon fell asleep.

He awoke to the sounds of Aro and Mrs Weasley talking. "What ails him?"

"The same thing my brother had." Mrs Weasley replied. "The head injury... we think the muggles threw him down some stairs."

"Your brothers... I am sorry." Aro told her. He sighed. "I should have listened to you Sirius, I am sorry." Sirius wasn't sure what he was on about, but he agreed with him anyway

"I know if you had a choice this would not be it. Buy I trust you will look after him as you did my brother." Mrs Weasley said.

"Thank you Molly, I know most do not trust me." Aro sighed. "I am cursed after all."

"Sirius how are you f-" Harry stopped himself as he set eyes on the group. "No, no you get away from him! He did this!"

"He can help your brother, but he has to go with him." Mrs Weasley said gently, she knew Harry was upset. "Sirius is very ill, possibly in danger."

"There is nothing any one else can do for him." Aro added.

"No, he was on so much pain, he tried to tell me- you're the one who hurt him!" Harry argued. Sirius sighed.

"Harry, please." He murmured.

"I don't want to lose you."

"You won't."

"Look after him." Harry glared at Aro before stalking off, ruffling his brothers hair as he left.

"I want you to update me on his health." Mrs Weasley warned, Aro nodded, He turned to Sirius, who was clutching his head.

"Come on." Aro put his hand on Sirius' shoulder and apparated them to what looked like an infirmary. "Oliver!"

"Is there supposed to be two of you?" Sirius mumbled, clutching his head.

Aro swore, Ollie's eyes widened as he walked in the room. "Sirius?"

"He's sick, getting to the hallucinations." Aro said. Ollie swore and put his arm around Sirius' shoulder, and began guiding him to a hospital bed.

"Don't swear, you're in the presence of a minor." Sirius mumbled. "Ollie you look like a cat."

"Thanks." Ollie shook his head. "how did he get this."

"There's a leek in the boat." Sirius pointed to the bed with a frown.

"I don't know, just hold him down, I need to give him this injection." Aro told him. Ollie frowned.

"Sirius, lie down." Ollie tried to get the boy to lie down, but he grabbed his elbow frantically.

"He's going to kill me!" Sirius yelled. "He's a vampire."

"Sirius calm down." Ollie wrapped his arms around the boy, nodding at Aro, who walked over to them, needle in hand. "I won't let him hurt you." Sirius fought him for a moment, before the medication kicked in and he went limp. "He's dying, isn't he?" Ollie laid the boy on the bed and tucked him in.

"He's reacting to it differently than Gideon did." Aro replied. "I don't know what will work for him. He's too powerful."

"I'll get Jane to look into it. We can't lose him... What- what if we do?" Ollie stuttered. Aro sighed.

"I can't think about that right now Oliver. I'm not losing anyone else." Aro sighed. "just look after him." With that he left the room, leaving Ollie to frown at the many different medicines in the cupboard.

"What's going on?" Jane asked as she entered. "Oh jeez, what happened to him?" She asked, poking the boy in the arm.

"That weird illness that's been following us around like a curse. And he called me a cat. Do I look like a cat?" Ollie asked, Jane rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but that was probably the hallucinations. As soon as he's better we can get him to help with this plan." Jane grinned. "He'll be fine."

"Jane he's dying." Ollie sighed. "He thought Aro was a vampire that was going to kill him."

"Awe bless." Jane laughed. "Relax, I'll have a look and see what I can do for him alright."

"Thank you." Ollie sighed.

"You haven't told him about the prophecy yet, have you?" She frowned at her brother, who shook his head at once.

"No, Should I?"

"No, not yet, give him some time to recover, he wouldn't understand anyway." She replied, before rooting through the medicine cabinet, humming a tune, Ollie frowned and looked from his sister, to Sirius and back again. "Don't worry Ollie, we'll all be fine."

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