3: chapter thirteen

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"So, we are all going to mine for christmas right?" Justin asked as he was writing his letter home. 

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world!" Sirius exclaimed with a grin, Justin's mum had become a valued member of the group and the best provider of baked goods. 

"Hell yeah! Tell your mum to make a chocolate cake." Hannah added. 

"I will do." Justin laughed. 

"Is she making a chocolate log?" Ernie asked hopefully.

"Of course." Justin nodded, finishing off his letter. "I can't believe the term is almost over already."

"Its crazy." Sirius agreed. "The rat betrayed and the potions master wants revenge."

"What?" Ernie asked with a frown.

"What?" Sirius questioned back with an equally confused expression.

"Did you not realise that you said that?" Justin asked.

"Said what?"

"Something about a rat and the potions master." Hannah explained to him.

"Oh, I wonder what that's about." Sirius shrugged.

"Honestly you just get weirder and weirder." Ernie told him, he laughed good-naturedly and shook his head.

"I would be offended, but you're right." He laughed.

"Maybe I should invite Jane and Ollie." Justin mused. Hannah looked outraged.

"Do you really want them there?" She asked.

"Yeah, besides they don't go anywhere for Christmas and they can help us figure out what is going on, we need to stop pretending we know what we are doing." Justin reasoned. Hannah sighed.

"Oh fine, but I bet you're the only one who wants them there."

"I want them there." Sirius murmured quietly, he wanted to side with Justin, as he agreed with him, but he didn't want to get into another argument with Hannah about Ollie and Jane.

"Alright come on, I want to teach you all poker." Hannah told them with a sigh, dropping her argument at Sirius' comment, she didn't want to argue either.

"Why do you know how to play poker?" Sirius asked with a frown.

"My parents and my god parents have a game night every week." Hannah explained as she got out the cards. "Come on, let's play a game."

"Millie!" Sirius said brightly as he met his friend outside the Slytherin common room.

"I still can't believe we have a test already." She sighed by way of greeting as they made their way to the library. Both held a ancient runes textbook and were anxious to get started with revising as they both found the subject to be difficult, but interesting.

It was as they made their way down one of Hogwarts' longest corridors that they heard some voices.

"Its okay Theo, let me see." As they see their way closer to the source, they saw two figures on the ground, one crouched protectively by the other.

"Blaise? Theo?" Sirius frowned as he got close enough to assess the situation properly.

"What's going on?" Millicent added as she came up beside Sirius.

"Nothing." Theo mumbled, Blaise, who was assessing a large wound on the boys torso shook his head.

"Theo got into a fight." He answered, Theo glared at him. "I told you to ignore them."

"Maybe you should go to the hospital wing." Sirius suggested, but Theo shook his head at once.


"They're right Theo, you need to go to the hospital wing." Blaise agreed.

"So they can kill me in my sleep? No." Theo muttered mutinously.

Blaise sighed, "do either of you know any healing spells?"

"No, Sirius?" Milicent asked. Sirius paused for a moment.

"Not that I can think of." He finally replied with a sigh. "Sorry."

"Don't worry, I'm fine anyway." Theo muttered with a shrug.

"Theo!" Blaise exclaimed in exasperation. "Right, we're going to the hospital wing, come on."

"No Blaise I'm fine." Theo tried to fend his friend off, but Blaise was stronger and pulled him onto his feet. Half of his shirt was stained red with blood.

"Why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Blaise sounded slightly hurt. "Come on, we're going to the hospital wing." He paused before turning back to the other two. "Thanks guys, see you later."

"See you Blaise, Theo." Sirius smiled at the two before he and Milicent continued on their way.

"Malfoy won't be happy when he finds out what's going on." Milicent commented as they climbed the stairs up toward the library. "He's quite protective over his friends."

"I hope they get that sorted." Sirius said by way of agreement. "Poor Theo."

"It looked bad didn't it? I wonder what happened?" Millicent questioned. "Bet it was Flint's lot."

"I don't want to get involved." Sirius shook his head. "They terrify me honestly."

"Me too." She agreed with a nod. "Come on, let's go and work on ancient runes."

"Oh I forgot about that!" Sirius groaned, he had for a moment at least been blissfully unaware of their upcoming ancient runes test.

Millicent laughed lightly, "come on, the quicker we start the more we can learn."

"Oh god, I don't know anything!" Sitius exclaimed, before getting a death glare from the librarian madame Pince, who demanded silence in the library and would exert her wrath upon you if you didn't abide to her rules.

It was why Sirius rarely ventured to the library, that and he and the others could never be bothered. And the kitchen was closer to the common room.

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