Chapter 2

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Sunkit sat outside the nursery with a bored look. The other two kits, Winterkit and Rainkit were still asleep so she didn't have anyone to play with.

She saw a group of warriors pass by and could faintly hear two warriors conversation.

"Isn't that Goldensky's kit? Heatherear took her in right? You should go say hi to her, she is practically your kit now." A silver tabby said. The black tom looked over at Sunkit as she sat alone.

"You're right." He agreed and walked over to Sunkit.

"Hello Sunkit. Why are you by yourself? Where are the other kits?" He asked. Sunkit looked up at him through her good eye.

"Winterkit and Rainkit are sleeping and wont play with me!" Sunkit pouted. The black tom sat down with her and used one of his white paws to reach out and gently pawed her.

"How about I play with you while we wait for those lazy two to wake up?" He asked. Sunkit jumped up at that with excitment.

"Really? What do you want to play? Moss ball? Or-or we could pretend your a Shadowclan cat!" Sunkit said. The black tom curled his tail up in amusement at the little kits excitment. He got into a stalking stance and playfully growled at her.

"I'm the ruthless Shadowclan cat Longfrost! I am here to take over your clan Sunstar!" Longfrost announced. Sunkit copied his stalk and hissed at him.

"You will never take over Thunderclan!" Sunkit said. She leaped out and tried to tackle Longfrost. Longfrost faked a yowl of pain and fell back.

Sunkit mewled happily and pawed at him playfully. Longfrost rolled so he was ontop and stood up.

"You're going to have to do better then that!" Longfrost said. Sunkit ran at him and clumbsily tackled him again and attacked him.

Runningwish watched from across the clearing as her neice and her new father played together on the stone floor of the camp.

"She has a good life set up for her. Longfrost and Heatherear have accepted her, she will be fine."  Voleeye said as he sat beside her. Runningwish twitched her whiskers in uncertainty.

"That's not exactly what I'm worried about. The clan knows who her father is, it could ruin her relationship with her clan mates." Runningwish said. Voleeye stayed silent a moment in thought.

"If she is anything like Goldensky, nothing will bring her down."

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now