Chapter 14

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Sunkit bounded out of the nursery. The clan was as alive as usual. A dawn patrol was returning and Sunkit was happy. She saw Cheetahstep walking back into camp carrying an impressive pigeon.

Sunkit also noticed Snowpoppy by the elders den talking with Hawkpath.

"Sunkit. Look at me." She heard a tom say. She looked over and saw Jayfeather, but only a little of him due to her blind eye.

"Tell me what you see." Jayfeather said. Sunkit was stunned for a moment.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked. Jayfeathers whiskers twitched in annoyance.

"I know that you can see through two eyes, but you dont see normal things through your blind one." Jafeather said. He paused a moment and glanced around as though he could see the camp.

"Do you see Firepaw over there? Look at him and tell me what you see. What you see through your blind eye." Jayfeather said. Sunkit looked over at Firepaw and didn't see anything different about him.

"He is just taking a nap in the sun." Sunkit said. Jayfeather sighed.

"Describe him to me. Do you notice anything about him you dont see about me?" Jayfeather asked. Sunkit furrowed her brow.

"Firepaw has a older sparkly version of himself walking with him. You don't have that... is that what you mean?" Sunkit asked. Jayfeather purred, a low and throaty sound due to his age.

"I was right."

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