Chapter 4

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Runningwish walked through the woods grimly. She had very sorrowful news for her old mentor.

She spotted Snowstrike walking through the ferns.

"Runningwish, what are you doing?" Snowstrike asked. Sandfeather, Rednose and Vineclaw stepped out of the brush.

"You need to come back to camp." Runningwish said, her voice low. Snowstrike eyed her worriedly.

"What happened?" Snowstrike demanded. Runningwish hesitated.

"Rainmist, she-" Snowstrike pelted past her at the sound of the she-cat's name before Runningwish could explain.

"Come on." Vineclaw said, nudging her toward the camp.

Runningwish stepped through with her father and felt her heart clench at the sight of the clearing.

Snowstrike was wailing, laying beside Rainmist's limp body.

"You knew Rainmist since you were a kit, you should mourn with them." Vineclaw said quietly and padded away to Lionpelt who was also staying with the elder.

Runningwish walked over and saw Greystar standing outside his den on the high ledge, his face blank and unreadable. She joined her old mentor and calmed her, stroking her back with her tail.

"She was a wonderful mother." Snowstrike whispered. Runningwish's heart deepened into grief of her painful words. She heard pebbles falling. She looked up and saw Greystar bounding down to address his clanmates.

"Rainmist... was and always will be a great warrior. She had everlasting kindness and bravery in her heart... and in her soul. She is hunting forever with Starclan where she may rest in peace... and always watch over us." Greystar said, his speech very moving to the sad cats. He leaned down and pressed his nose into Rainmist's fur.

"I will miss you mother." Greystar whispered.

"Dewnose, Amberfur. Rainmist was a denmate to you two for many seasons. I shall let you decide where to bury her." Greystar said. The two elders nodded grimly to his request. He nodded and returned to his den, his steps slower then usual.

Runningwish remembered how her passing was found out. Rainmist hadn't felt any pain, a peaceful way to join Starclan.

She had come to visit the elders during sunhigh, Rainmist was asleep and Amberfur and Dewnose told her not to wake her, but when Rainmist had not woken up herself, Runningwish tried to but only felt cold fur.

She sighed heavily at the memory and prayed safe journey for the loving old she-cat.

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