Chapter 39

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"Sunpaw! Sunpaw, wake up!" Snowpoppy yowled at her apprentice. She had come to check on her and had seen the golden cat unconcious on the path. Snowpoppy sighed with immense relief when Sunpaw blinked her eyes open.

Instead of asking where she was or asking what happened, Sunpaw jumped to her paws and started looking around frantically.

"Did you see them? Where did they go?" Sunpaw asked. Snowpoppy gazed at her with a confused look.

"Who are you talking about Sunpaw? It is only us here." Snowpoppy asked. She was steadily growing concerned for her apprentice.

"The cats! The cats with starry pelts! They-they were medicine cats and they were walking in a line!- There were so many!" Sunpaw explained, her fur becoming puffy as if she were reliving the moment.

"Calm down Sunpaw, I don't want you to faint again. You saw cats, with starry pelts?" Snowpoppy asked Sunpaw nodded.

"And they were medicine cats? How do you know that?" Snowpoppy asked. Starclan must have sent her a message with this 'line of medicine cats'. I wonder what this could mean or if it means anything...

"I don't know how I know, I just do! Like I had known them all ever since I was born or something!" Sunpaw said, hoping Snowpoppy would believe her. Snowpoppy looked down for a moment in thought.

"Was it a message from Starclan?" Sunpaw asked. Snowpoppy started to slowly nod, secretly trying to interpret it, but then a yowl sounded.

"Hello Snowpoppy!" It was Mudpool from Windclan. He spotted Sunpaw beside the Thunderclan medicine cat and looked her over as he got closer.

"So, is this your apprentice?" Mudpool asked. Snowpoppy nodded.

"Her name is Sunpaw. Sunpaw this is Mudpool." Snowpoppy introduced. Sunpaw looked up at the Windclan medicine cat. He reminded her of Barkfur. He was a big thick brown furred cat that had a friendly aura about him.

"How is Dawnnose?" Snowpoppy asked, starting to walk back to the moonpool with Sunpaw. Mudpool followed after her.

"She is doing well. She likes being able to relax now I suppose. She loves being a story teller to the kits." Mudpool purred. Snowpoppy purred too. Dawnnose was a very kind and quiet she-cat who deeply cared for young cats.

Mudpool sat beside the water and curled his fluffy tail over his paws.

"Oh drat, I forgot to bring watermint for Tawnywish!" Mudpool muttered, his ear twitching in annoyance.

"I brought some." Snowpoppy said. Sunpaw bounced over and put the leaf that held the watermint by the pool.

"Is anyone else here?" Another cat yowled out. Snowpoppy recognized that voice.

"Me Sunpaw and Mudpool are here Tawnywish!" Snowpoppy called back. Tawnywish, the medicine cat of Riverclan appeared from the shadows and came over to them with her apprentice Bramblefrost behind her. Snowpoppy eyed him, not sure if he was an apprentice or not.

"Oh and who are you?" Tawnywish asled, leaning down to be face-to-face with Sunpaw.

"I'm Sunpaw! Snowpoppy's apprentice!" Sunpaw answered proudly. Tawnywish chuckled, a hint of rasp to her voice.

"I am Tawnywish from Riverclan. This is my apprentice Bramblefrost. It is nice to meet you Sunpaw." Tawnywish purred.

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