Chapter 29

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"Who is Thorn?" Runningwish asked, interrupting Cheetahstep's story.

"He was a loner we found in the barn. I hate him so much after what he did. May Starclan have mercy on him when he finally dies." Cheetahstep hissed, her eyes slits of hatred. Runningwish also noticed something in her eyes. Behind the hate and anger.

There was pain.

"Now you are here though. In Thunderclan. Where you were meant to be." Runningwish said, trying to soothe her wrath. Cheetahstep closed her eyes, her anger leaving her features.

"You're right. When I first came here, I was so excited to meet everyone. But when Mousepelt had tried to attack me and call us intruders, I was very doubtful of being accepted. I'm glad though that you talked to me when Lionblaze and Jayfeather were inside talking to Greystar. And now were best friends!" Cheetahstep said, giggling the last part. Runningwish smiled and nodded absently. It was good to see her friend out of her past and back in the present.

"Oh. I never finished the story." Cheetahstep said, remembering why they had been sitting there all day.

"Tell me in the morning. You don't have dawn patrol do you?" Runningwish asked, getting up to stretch her aching legs.


"Then tomorrow you can tell me the rest of it tomorrow. Come on. Lets get some sleep." Runningwish said, opening her jaws to yawn. Crickets were singing all around the camp and a few snores were coming from the dens.

The two cats left their sunning spot and went into the warriors den.

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