Chapter 9

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Runningwish purred sadly.

"That is a wonderful name Rednose. Foxfoot would appreciate you keeping his nemory alive." Runningwish said softly. Rednose held his head up with gratitude. Ivyheart licked her son's head as he slept.

"Thank you Runningwish." Ivyheart said, her voice low to not wake any of the kits in the nursery. Runningwish nodded and headed outside.

"Bye Runningwish! You'll play with me tomorrow right?" Sunkit asked. Runningwish stopped and nodded.

"Of course." She purred. Sunkit squeled happily and quickly had Heatherear's tail shoved into her mouth.

"Shhh! Rainkit, Winterkit and Foxkit are sleeping." Heatherear warned. Sunkit shyed back in embarrassment.

"Don't worry I'll play tomorrow. Goodnight Sunkit." Runningwish purred. She walked out and saw the she-cat sitting outside Greystars den. She spotted Voleeye standing by the fresh-kill pile watching the new comer.

Runningwish trotted over to him as casually as she could.

"Do you know anything about her?" Runningwish asked. Voleeye stared hard at the gold and black spotted she-cat.

"No, nothing at all." Voleeye said.

"Try talking to her, see what you can find out." Voleeye suggested, grabbing two mice and padding away to join Spottedlegs by the warriors den.

Runningwish sighed and look over to her. She mustered up some bravery and walked over.

"Hello. Whats your name?" Runningwish asked. The she-cat blinked at her.

"Cheetahpaw." She answered nervously. Runningwish had never heard a name like that before.

"Well nice to meet you, my name is Runningwish."

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