Chapter 19

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Sunpaw curled her tail happily. She is actually a medicine cat apprentice now!

Greystar dissmissed the meeting and went back to his den. Snowpoppy seemed excited too, bringing Sunpaw to the medicine cat den.

"There is a gathering tonight! You will get to meet the other medicine cats." Snowpoppy said, sounding giddy at the opportunity.

"A gathering?! I can't wait!" Sunpaw mewed happily, bouncing inside the den.

"Well first lesson, this is watermint." Snowpoppy said, showing Sunkit the herb. Sunkit looked it over a few times and repeated it's name in her head.

"Ok, watermint... watermint..." Sunpaw repeated. Snowpoppy nodded and reached into the herb store and pulled out small stack of it.

"What is it used for?" Sunpaw asked, watching her mentor wrap it in a leaf.

"Watermint treats belly ache, give it to a cat to eat and they should feel better. But be careful with doses, to much can make the belly ache even worse." Snowpoppy warned. Sunpaw nodded and memorized her words. Never to much.

A sudden panic went through her. What if she forgot which herb it was? Or if she gave them to much? Snowpoppy noticed her nerves and purred.

"Don't worry. I was always panicing when Hawkpath had me treat a cat. You'll do fine Sunpaw. Never doubt your instincts." Snowpoppy said, wrapping the watermint in a leaf. Sunpaw sighed and looked around. She had never really been in the medicine cat den before. One time she followed Runningwish inside when she had a thorn in her pad but besides that she never got to close. It was dim inside but cozy with a few moss beds next to her.

"Why are you wrapping it up?" Sunpaw asked. Snowpoppy glanced at her.

"Tawnywish told me she needed some and green cough had came into the camp along with Pebblestars... anyway she hasn't been able to go get any and Bramblefrost has been busy helping her. Now, do we have any feverfew...?" Snowpoppy explained, but leaned into the herb store for feverfew. Sunpaw tilted her head to the side.

"If she is from another clan, why does she tell you so much information about how her clanmates are?" Sunpaw asked. Runningwish and Longfrost always told her to never tell any cats from other clans anything about Thunderclan, especially their weaknesses.

"We're medicine cats. We don't particularly share clan rivalry. When you're a medicine cat your soul job is to help any medicine cat, warrior, leader, elder, apprentice, and especially kits no matter what clan they're from. Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Riverclan and Windclan may argue and fight with eachother, but thats what makes us strong." Snowpoppy said, sounding very diplomatic and obviously trying to make a point.

Sunpaw nodded slowly.

"Ok... so I should help any cat I can? No matter their origin?" Sunpaw asked. Snowpoppy chuckled.

"Yes. That is exactly what you should do." Snowpoppy said, still standing inside the herb store.

"Um... also, whats feverfew?"

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