Chapter 26

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  Part 1

"Lionstar! Rose is kitting!" Jayfeather yowled, his head poking out of a den in a bush. He could hear Lionstar running to them. He went back into the den and turned to Rose.

"Just relax, you'll be fine and Lionstar is on his way." Jayfeather meowed. Rose was panting and laying on her side. Lionstar popped up at the entrance and pushed past the bramble.

"I'm here Rose." Lionstar said, moving to sit beside her.

"Lion... Lionstar, stay with me." Rose wheezed. Jayfeather put a paw to her stomach and felt the contractions.

"This is going to take a while... Keep taking deep breathes, Rose."


Hours later, Rose was asleep with Lionstar and a kit at her side.

"Shes healthy." Jayfeather mumbled to Lionstar.

"Thank you Jayfeather." Lionstar purred, licking Rose's head. Jayfeather stayed for a few moments, but then got up and walked out of the den.

Cold bareleaf wind glided against his fur. He reached a paw up and moved it against his scarred eyes. A few moons ago, he had been attacked by a fox, his eyes nearly scratched out of their sockets. Lionstar had come to his rescue and killed it.

Jayfeather sighed and moved his paw away. He shouldn't be messing with it.

He laid down on the grass and waited for sleep.


The next morning, Lionstar and Jayfeather were out hunting, choosing to delay their travel due to Rose kitting. Lionstar felt pride swell in his chest when he thought of the kit.

She had beautiful golden fur, speckled black dots all over her pelt. The she-cat was gorgeous and he was pleased with the name they chose for her.

Cheetahkit. He also remembered how upset Rose was about keeping with clan traditions and adding the "kit" part to her name... He sighed and crept around a tree trunk, spotting the vole he had scented.

He lunged and killed it easily. Jayfeather stepped out of the undergrowth with a mouse and black bird in his jaws.

He looked away when he saw Jayfeather's scarred eyes.

"Lets get back to the den. I'm sure Rose and Cheetahkit are hungry." Jayfeather mumbled past his catch. Lionstar nodded and lead them back to the den.

Rose was watching Cheetahkit as she nursed, her eyes looking as though she were in deep thought.

"Rose, we're back!" Lionstar called out. He trotted out of the bushes and to his mate. Rose snapped out of her thoughts and turned to him.

"Thank you Lionstar." She purred, taking the vole from him. Jayfeather placed the black bird down and carried the mouse away.

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