Chapter 15

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Sunkit narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

"What do you mean you were right?" She asked, confused by his strange behavior.

"You'll see. I don't have time to explain it to you yet." Jayfeather said. He got up and padded away from her. Sunkit couldnt wrap her head around how she felt about him.

Jayfeather was just... weird.

*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*Next Day*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'

Sunkit sat by the high ledge today. The sun was warm and the wind calm. Greenleaf was near its end and she felt dissapointed but happy. The sun would leave but snow would fall.

  She stretched out and relaxed in the rays...

"Get the kits inside!"

"Hawks! Two of them!"

"Sunkit! Winterkit! Rainkit!"

Sunkit awoke immediately to the loud yowls of Thunderclan. before she realized what was going on she squeled in pain as something sharp cut her back. She scrambled away as fast as she could and ran for Heatherear.

She turned though when she heard the terrified cry of another cat.

Winterkit was being carried off by a hawk! Snowstrike lept up and took down the other with the help of Voleeye.

"Help her! Winterkit!" Sunkit yelled for her friend.


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