Chapter 18

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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting!" Greystar called out at sun high the next day. Sunkit had been waiting all day outside the nursery for this moment. She had thought about wether to be a medicine cat or a warrior... she had decided she would be happy with either and would listen to what ever Greystar chose for her. She was about to charge away but Heatherear blocked her path with her tail.

"Don't ruin your fur, and you're going to be an apprentice, be patient Sunkit, don't rush." Heatherear said, amusement bright in her green eyes.

Runningwish spotted the soon to be apprentice standing outside the nursery with Heatherear as she walked to the high ledge. Sunkit probably tried to run to the ledge and was getting scolded for it. She sat down beside Voleeye who had Spottedlegs by his side.

"If only Goldensky were here to see her kit become an apprentice..." Voleeye muttered to her. Runningwish felt her heart hang in her chest with grief, but she shook herself and brightened.

"It is our job to protect Sunkit, Heatherear has done an excellent job caring for her and Goldensky would be very happy if she could see Sunkit now." Runningwish said back to him. Voleeye blinked at her and looked away.

"You're right. Sunkit is becoming an apprentice and Goldensky would be proud." Voleeye said. Runningwish was going to add something else, but was interrupted by Greystar silencing the crowd.

Sunkit stood before Greystar, who had Snowstrike, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze at his side on the ledge.

"Sunkit, your six moons have passed and you are now ready to be an apprentice. Your mother would be very proud of you, Sunkit." Greystar purred. Sunkit glanced at Heatherear and her fur felt warm with giddyness.

Runningwish noticed this exchange and she felt her heart drop. 'Thats right! She thinks Heatherear is her mother!' Runningwish thought to herself. She sighed and tried to calm herself down, she would talk to Voleeye after the ceremony.

"Sunkit, from this day forth until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Sunpaw! Shrewste-"

"Excuse me, Greystar!" A voice interrupted. Everyone turned and Snowpoppy walked up to the high ledge.

"I would like to mentor Sunpaw as a medicine cat." Snowpoppy said, looking up at her leader. Sunpaw stared at her in surprise. Greystar glanced at Sunpaw then back to Snowpoppy.

"Have you asked her about this?" He asked, twitching his whiskers. Snowpoppy now turned her head to look at Sunpaw.

"Sunpaw, would you like to be a medicine cat?" Snowpoppy asked. Sunpaw was at a loss for words. Once her voice returned she purred.

"Yes." Sunpaw said. Snowpoppy nodded and looked back up to Greystar.

"Will you make it so?" Snowpoppy asked, her voice sounding a little shy. Greystar paused in thought, then looked down at Sunpaw.

"Do you understand the costs of being a medicine cat, Sunpaw?" Greystar asked.

"You cannot live a warrior life, you cannot have a mate." Greystar said, softening his eyes at her. Sunpaw took a deep breath, she understood she could not have a mate and she could not live with a paw in both worlds, being a medicine cat might seperate and thin her friendship with Winterkit and Rainkit, but she wanted to be a medicine cat like Snowpoppy and Jayfeather.

"I'm sure."

"Then it is done, Snowpoppy will mentor you."

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