Chapter 16

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Sunkit bristled in fear as the hawk started flapping its wings, tossing dust into her face.

"No!" A cat yowled. Suddenly a flash of white tackled the hawk and they spun in the air. There was a squeal and the hawk fell outside the camp.

"Lionblaze, Rednose, Mousepelt, Barkfur!" Snowstrike yowled out for the warriors to join her as she bolted out the camp entrance. The cats flew past her and Sunkit ran after them.

She peaked past the entrance and saw the warriors in a line.

Sunkit walked out and pushed through them to see.

Snowpoppy was standing there, a few cuts along her shoulders. But in her mouth was a bundle of light gray fur.

"Winterkit!" Sunkit cheered happily. Snowpoppy placed Winterkit down and the two friends greeted each other.

"Thank Starclan I lived!" Winterkit said. Sunkit glanced at the medicine cat as she limped back into camp with the warriors.

"You should be thanking Snowpoppy!" Sunkit purred. Winterkit twitched her whiskers and they both ran after the medicine cat.

"You're so brave Snowpoppy!" Winterkit said. The white medicine cat purred.

"Thank you. I wouldn't let that scary hawk get you." Snowpoppy said playfully. She walked back to her den with the two kits watching her go.

"Are you alright?!" Ravenscar yowled and practically tackled her kit. Barkfur came up and they both surrounded their daughter.

"Oh Starclan! Thank you!" Ravenscar said. Barkfur licked Winterkit on the head.

"Please, don't scare us like that again." He said. Winterkit purred.

"Snowpoppy saved me!" She said. Sunkit spotted Rainkit standing by the entrance watching them. He looked relieved but would keep glancing at the sky like another hawk was going to come down at any moment.

"No cuts, no bruises?" Barkfur asked. Ravenscar nodded.

"You're lucky! Sunkit got a cut on her back!" Runningwish called and came over. She looked over the cut.

"That is going to leave a scar... you should go see Haw- I mean Snowpoppy or Jayfeather." Runningwish instructed. Sunkit nodded and raced over to the medicine cat den.

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now