Chapter 30

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Yay 30! :D

Part 4

"We're only here to stay the might until the rain stops." Lionstar said, putting himself between Thorn and everyone else. Thorn gave him a questioning look.

"Why would that bother me? Even if I minded you being here, I am outnumbered." Thorn shot back. Cheetahkit looked to Lionstar. Thorn seems nice why is he being so edgy? Cheetahkit asked herself. Lionstar eased his hostility, but kept a weary eye on the loner.

"You don't mind?" Rose asked. Thorn shook his head.

"No no, not' all." Thorn said, sounding like he had a weird accent. Lionstar nodded and had the group go back to  climbing the hay.

"I'll stay away from ya in the night. If you need me' be on top the bail across the room." Thorn said. Lionstar eyed him again, then looked to the others to make sure they got up safely.

Lionstar turned back to Thorn while Jayfeather, Cheetahkit and Rose found a spot on the hay.

"Thank you for your hospitality Thorn." Lionstar said, bowing his head to the other tom to show his appreciation. Thorn purred and flicked his tail.

"Its no trouble. Cats like us need to help each other, thats how we survive in this crazy world." Thorn said. Cheetahkit heard him, her ear twitching. She looked down at him and her father, his words running through her head over and over.

"Cats like us need to help eachother, thats how we survive in this crazy world."

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