Chapter 11

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She watched Firepaw dart away and climb up the side like it was the esiest thing in the world.

Runningwish shook herself. No time to be jelous of an apprentice.

She ran over to the nursery and looked inside for Ravenscar.

"Ravenscar, have you seen Barkfur?" Runningwish asked. Ravenscar pricked her ears at the sound of her mates name.

"I thought he was out hunting with Sandfeather and Ashwing. Did something happen?" Ravenscar asked in a higher voice.

"No, no everything is fine. Greystar just wants to talk to him is all." Runningwish said. Runningwish's fur stood up as a thought came to her. Barkfur was out hunting. Out hunting with two cats. Her vision might be happening!

Runningwish darted out into the clearing and out of the camp entrance in a flash of panic.

Sunkit watched her leave, hoping she could get the warrior to play hide and seek with her like they usually did but felt fear prickle at her small pelt when Runningwish ran off before she could ask her.

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now