Chapter 7

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Sunkit kept her eyes on the toms. How had she known their names?

When she looked at them, she just... felt who they were. She kept blinking as she watched Jayfeather. The thing covering his eyes was there but not there for some reason.

Sunkit stopped when she realized why it was like that.

"Runningwish! I can see through both my eyes!" Sunkit cheered happily. Runningwish looked down to her with a curious expression.

"You can? Both eyes? You're certain?" Runningwish asked. Sunkit nodded happily. Runningwish wasnt that certain though. Her left eye was still fuzzy looking...

"We are back from our journey. How have the clans been? I want to be filled in on everything. How is Bristleleaf?" Lionstar asked. Greystar lowered his head for a moment and Lionstar looked a bit crest fallen at the grim way Greystar was reacting.

"Come into the den, we have much to discuss." Greystar said. Jayfeather bared his teeth in fustration.

"We don't have time for talk, we need to go see the other clans as well." Jayfeather growled. Sunkit watched as they bickered. She saw a look of the she-cat beside Lionstar. It was a young blonde she-cat with spots all over her body and blue eyes.

"She's pretty." Sunkit whispered. Runningwish chuckled at her.

"She is." Runningwish agreed.

"Atleast stay for Hawkpaths elder ceremony." Greystar asked. Jayfeather shut his mouth at the mention of her name.

"Hawkpath hasn't become an elder yet? She is a loyal one." Jayfeather said. His ear twitched and he looked toward the nursery. Sunkit watched in wonder as he acted like he could actually see them but she knew he couldn't.

"That kit..." Jayfeather started but was interrupted by Hawkpaths cracky yowl of greeting.

"Been gone a long time you old cat." Hawkpath said, poking fun. Jayfeather greeted her with a lick on the cheek.

"How have you been? I heard you're having an elder ceremony. Where is your apprentice?" Jayfeather asked. Sunkit perked up and ran over to them.

"You were... I mean are a medicine cat?" Sunkit asked. Jayfeather nodded and Hawkpath looked down at her. Runningwish ran in and started to pull her away.

"I'm sorry." Runningwish apologized.

"I want to be a medicine cat, just like Jayfeather." Sunkit said in awe.

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