Chapter 38

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The half moon had risen, the midnight breeze carrying promises of the morning to the two medicine cats departing from their camp. Snowpoppy had insisted on bringing watermint to the moonpool, saying something about Tawnywish (the medicine cat from Riverclan) had asked if any of them had spare of it at the last grouping.

At first Sunpaw was excited to go to the moonpool and meet the other cats that her fur was puffed up and she kept asking Snowpoppy what the other medicine cats would be like, but almost all of her energy was drained when they finally made it to the pool.

Her fur was no longer puffed out and her running mouth was out of gas. Snowpoppy had lead her along the path and Sunpaw gasped silently to herself, the ground felt as if she was stepping into the tracks of many other medicine cats before her. Snowpoppy glanced at her, only seeing her apprentice staring at the ground with her good eye in amazement.

But to Sunpaw, she wasn't just staring at paw prints embedded into the hard earth, but actually paws walking through her! She jumped back and gasped again. What looked like 100s of cats were walking the path, beautifully stared pelts, all different lengths, and colors passed her as she watched, unable to move from her spot.

They marched in an almost graceful manner, all of them in a line, as though waiting for their turn to speak with Starclan. The golden apprentice had her mouth wide and her eyes just as open in her shock.

Soon though the line was reaching an end and she saw a unfiamiliar brown tabby with white paws and chestfur. Unlike the others, this one stopped and looked at her.

"Welcome to my pool Sunpaw." The tabby she-cat said. Sunpaw then felt what was like a streak of lightning in her veins.

"Leafpool?" Sunpaw asked, the name forcing its way out of her mouth and sounding like she knew this cat ever since she was born. The she-cat (presumably Leafpool) purred and turned away, following after the others who had left her behind and faded away.

The last thing Sunpaw saw was the twinkle of her starry pelt die off, then blackness consumed her vision.

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