Chapter 37

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The next morning Greystar had made the announcment about the Bloodclan cats staying in the camp, which left some cats unpleased.

Tiny though had said he didn't want their friendship but he promised he would keep his word and be an ally to the clan rather then a threat. Sunpaw had been staring intently at the small black cat who was about the same size as her, and she was still an apprentice!

Snowpoppy brought her back to the medicine cat den and was quizing her with herbs.

"Which one is this and what does it do?" Snowpoppy asked, showing her a light purple flower. Sunpaw stared at it for a few moments.

"Umm... lavender...?" Sunpaw squeezed out, not sure if she got that right. Snowpoppy nodded her head.

"Yes, good job. Now tell me, what does lavender do?" Her mentor asked. Sunpaw looked at the plant and stared at it for a few seconds. She knew this one! She knew this one!

"Cures... fevers!" Sunpaw said, the answer finally coming to her.

"Correct." Snowpoppy purred. She turned away and put the lavender back in the herb store and started shifting through the other herbs.

"Umm Snowpoppy?" Sunpaw asked.

"Yes, Sunpaw?" Snowpoppy's muffled voice replied. Sunpaw curled her tail around her.

"Do you think Starclan will accept me as your apprentice at the moonpool tonight?" Sunpaw asked nervously. Snowpoppy pulled herself from the store and stared at Sunpaw, holding a long and fluffy looking herb.

"Sunpaw, trust me, I am certain Starclan will accept you as an apprentice, just look at how much you've learned in this short time." Snowpoppy said soothingly, bringing Sunpaw close to her and rubbing heads affectionately.

"Well I thought that me being half blind would make me a bad choice as an apprentice..." Sunpaw admitted. This gave Snowpoppy an idea.

"Sunpaw, come with me." The older she-cat said. Sunpaw was curious and followed after her mentor as she lead her into camp and over to the highledge. Sunpaw spotted Hawkpath laying out in the sun with Dewnose.

"Hawkpath!" Snowpoppy called to the elder. Hawkpath popped an eye open. When she saw it was her old apprentice, she opened her other eye and lifted her head.

"What is it Snowpoppy?" Hawkpath asked. Snowpoppy pushed Sunpaw forward.

"I want you to tell Sunpaw about Jayfeather. Mainly that he was a blind medicine cat." Snowpoppy said, saying "blind" more bodly. Hawkpath caught on to what she meant. Sunpaw was having doubts since she was half blind.

"Well. When I was a very young cat, still a kit, I remember I had gone out of the nursery. On this day though, Jayfeather was walking back to his den. I had known he was blind and it amazed me that he knew how to get around camp as he did. Of course this made me take an interest in him and herbs. I would always ask to hear the stories about Jayfeather from the elders or senior warriors. They told me he had been blind ever since he was kitted, but he didn't want to be a medicine cat, he wanted to be a warrior." Sunpaw scrunched up her face in confusion.

"Then why would he become a medicine cat if he wanted to be a warrior?" Sunpaw asked. Hawkpath chuckled.

"It was his calling. His destiny if that is how you want to put it. Jayfeather obviously had struggles as a warrior and sometimes needed assitance in a battle, but he never gave up. But day after day he recieved messages and dreams from Starclan, soon  he decided he would become one. He didn't fear that his eyes would hold him back, he knew he could do it. But that doesn't just go for medicine cats, nothing can hold you back in this forest Sunpaw. You can have one eye, no eyes, three legs, half a tail, no fur, no claws, no teeth, and you still could be the greatest cat in the forest. So don't worry about the moonpool tonight Sunpaw. Starclan will accept you." Hawkpath purred. Sunpaw felt her spirit lighten a little at the confidence boost and purred.

"You're right Hawkpath! I'll be the best medicine cat! I promise not to doubt myself again!" Sunpaw said, shooting to her paws and running back to the medicine cat den.

"Come on Snowpoppy! You have to keep teaching me about herbs!"

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