Chapter 28

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Part 3

Cheetahkit could see a huge red two leg building in the distance.

"Is that the barn Lionstar?" Cheetahkit asked, looking up at her father. Her paws were sore from so much traveling even though the grown cats took turns carrying her when she fell asleep or got to tired.

"Yes. When we get there, I want you to stay with Jayfeather." Lionstar said. Cheetahkit pouted.

"But I want to go inside!"

"You will, but I and your mother need to make sure its safe." Lionstar explained, leaning down to nudge her playfully. Cheetahkit fell over from his push and glared at him.

"Fine. But you're still going to race me... right?" Cheetahkit asked. Lionstar flicked an ear.

"Of course. But safety is always the first priority. I don't want anything happening to you, Jayfeather or Rose. Understand?" Lionstar asked. Cheetahkit nodded.


They arrived at the barn and Cheetahkit sat with Jayfeather and Rose while Lionstar went to check everything out.

After a few minutes, Cheetahkit had been playing moss ball with Rose and thought up a question.

"Why is Jayfeather and Lionstar's names so weird? And why is my name Cheetahkit, and not just Cheetah like your name?" Cheetahkit asked. Rose slowed her pace after the moss ball.

"Well, to be honest Cheetahkit I really don't know. I think it is a sign of honor, or pride," Rose turned back to her and sat down.

"Your father told me it was a sign of loyalty and devotion to the stars. You remember how I told you about Silverpelt right?" Rose said. Cheetahkit nodded.

"Well, where your father comes from all those stars that are up in the sky are the souls of fallen warriors. When cats die, they join Starclan." Rose explained. Cheetahkit gaped at the mere thought.

"All the stars are warrior cats?!" Cheetahkit asked, completely baffled. Rose nodded.

"Lionstar said the way you are named is determined by your skill, your attitude and your loyalty. Your father was leader of a clan. Long ago though." Rose said.

"How long ago?" Cheetahkit asked. Jayfeather had been listening to their conversation.

"Many, many seasons. Thunderclan was the clan he was leader of. I was it's medicine cat. Then we left at Starclan's wish and left Dovewing behind..." Jayfeather said. He walked closer to them.

"Whats a medicine cat? Whats Thunderclan?" Cheetahkit asked. Jayfeather chuckled and laid down.

"Its a lot to explain, especially to a kit as young as you are." Jayfeather rasped. Just then, Lionstar came to them.

"The barn is clear. I haven't checked the inside but its going to rain. Come on, Rose can help me check the inside while you two wait." Lionstar said. Rose got up and followed after Lionstar. Jayfeather got up, grunting in annoyance of having to move after he just laid down.

"Stick with me Cheetahkit." Jayfeather grumbled. Cheetahkit walked beside him as they followed some distance from her parents.

Jayfeather stopped and leaned over. He grabbed her by the scruff and picked her up. Cheetahkit mewed in protest, but he hushed her.

"It is just incase we need to make a run for it. Last time we tried to stay in a barn a dog chased us." Jayfeather explained. Cheetahkit fell silent. If there was the chance of a dog, she didn't want to risk anything.

"Its clear Jayfeather!" Lionstar called from inside the barn. Jayfeather trotted to the entrance and put Cheetahkit down.

"I can smell a cat. Are you sure nothing is here?" Jayfeather asked, tilting his head around.

"I scent it too, but nothing is here." Lionstar said. Jayfeather was still suspicious but decided to dissmiss it for now.

A crack of lightning sounded from outside and they knew the rain was coming soon.

Cheetahkit jumped at the terrifying sound. She scooted closer to Rose, her pelt fluffed up in fear.

"What was that?" Cheetahkit asked. Rose rolled her eyes.

"It was just a bit of lightning Cheetahkit." Rose explained. Cheetahkit calmed down and her fur started to lay flat again.

Lionstar brought the group over to a spot they could sleep. He stopped and Jayfeather growled when another cat poked their head out from behind some hay.

He gave them a welcoming nod.

"Hello strangers I'm Thorn." He introduced himself, shaking some stray stands of hay off his pelt.

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now