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Runningwish had offered to have the medicine cats come to the Thunderclan camp, to make sure there weren't any other ambushers waiting for them. Tawnywish and Mudpool had turned down the offer.

"If we keep a good pace and dont do anything stupid we shouldn't land in any trouble. If anything me and Bramblefrost can escape in the water." Tawnywish reassured.

"My camp isn't far anyway. You all stay safe." Mudpool said. So they all split apart and returned home. Darklight scented Runningwish, but he ran into the woods when he smelled blood.

"What happened? You were attacked?" Darklight demanded more then asked when he caught them on the edge of the woods.

"It was a Shadowclan warrior, Thornleap. He tried to kill the medicine cats. I need to tell Greystar immediately." Runningwish explained. Darklight nodded and followed them back to camp.

Runningwish went to Greystar's den while Sunpaw and Snowpoppy returned to the medicine cat den. She could barely see the morning sun rising up.

The sky was lighting up in beautiful rays of colors, but Runningwish felt as if darkness would consume them all.

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now