Chapter 35

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Voleeye glanced to his right when he saw movement a few foxtails away.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at it, tapping into his "special ability". There was nothing there.

Voleeye eyed it for a few seconds before looking forward again.

A few more minutes passed and Voleeye hadn't detected anything else.

"Must have been a mouse I missed..." He muttered to himself quietly.


"We got past him. I'm glad I brought the fastest she-cat I know with me." A small black cat whispered to its companion.

"It was hard to sneak past, he nearly looked right at me." The she-cat whispered back.

"Come on. If we get to the leader's sleeping den we can go without fuss. Leaffern said its by that wall across from us." The other cat hissed. They look from there hiding spot and could see where the entrance was to Greystar's den.

"We could stalk along the edges of their camp and slip down." The she-cat suggested.

"Those rock look loose though. It could cause us to draw attention if we make noise." The tom said. He narrowed his eyes in thought.

"I think its worth the risk. Its the easiest way there. If we're fast enough they might not notice." The she-cat pressed.

"If you say so Smear. Lets go." The tom finally agreed. They made their way to the opposite side of the camp, careful to avoid guards that were posted around the rim. When they got to their destination, Smear checked to make sure no cat was watching.

She carefully snuck down the rocks. She reached the entrance to Greystar's den and motioned with her tail for the tom to follow.

He followed her example and carfully made his way down. His ears pricked when he made a few stones fall, checking if anyone had heard him.

When the night was still silent, he went down the rest of the way.

"So this is his sleeping den." The tom whispered. curiously, stepping inside the small but wide den. The earth was soft under his pads and strangely warm.

"May I ask who you are and why you have trespassed onto Thunderclan territory?" A unfamiliar voice rung out in the dark.

"Are you the one they call Greystar?" The tom asked. Greystar was sitting in his nest, staring at the two intruders calmly.

"I am. Now, who are you?" Greystar asked. The tom bowed his head to the Thunderclan leader.

"I am Tiny. I am the leader of Bloodclan. Me and my mate Smear have come to speak with you." Tiny answered while looking up at Greystar, his blue eyes staring into his amber ones.

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