Chapter 41

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Sunpaw sat beside Snowpoppy. Her mentor and Mudpool were talking and she was starting to get bored. She looked over at Bramblefrost for what must have been the 100th time.

There was something... unknown about him. Sunpaw felt as if he didn't belong there. Not meaning she didn't like him, but as if he shouldn't be a medicine cat. Her mind kept repeating his name, like it was trying to connect two pieces of a puzzle.
Bramble... frost... Bramble... frost... Thats not right.... Sunpaw thought to herself. Through her bad eye she could see a spectral body outlining him, a much more muscular one, like a warrior. She could see these outlines on everyone here, except Snowpoppy.

Sunpaw narrowed her eyes at him in fustration, which he noticed. Bramblefrost stared back at her intently. Sunpaw couldn't take it, she had to ask.

"Whats your real name?" Sunpaw asked. Bramblefrost blinked in confusion. Snowpoppy and Mudpool stopped talking and looked at the apprentices.

"What do you mean Sunpaw? Bramblefrost is his name." Snowpoppy said. Sunpaw snook her head.

"No its not. Bramblefrost isn't his real name..." Sunpaw grumbled. Snowpoppy cast a concerned look at her apprentice.

"Anyway, where is Longleaf?" Tawnywish complained.

"That old cat is never late." Mudpool said.

"I'm sure she will be here soon." Snowpoppy reassured. Sunoaw's ears turned when she heard a cat approaching.

"Sunpaw! Are you alright?" Sunpaw shot up and ran to the she-cat who called.

"Runningwish! Yeah, I'm fine!" Sunpaw said. The brown tabby was panting a little as she looked over her niece.

"Runningwish, what are you doing here? Did something happen at camp?" Snowpoppy asked, bewildered by her sudden appearance. Runningwish shook her head.

"The camp is fine, you are all in danger. There is an ambush aimed for the Moonpool. You all need to get home before someone gets killed." Runningwish said. Everyone was now wide eyed.

"How do you know that?" Tawnywish demanded. Runningwish looked over to the medicine cat.

"I saw a vision of you all dying. It was sent by Starclan. We need to go." Runningwish said urgently. Yes, she lied, but how else was she supposed to get them to believe her?

Snowpoppy didn't want to risk her or Sunpaw's life.

"Me and Sunpaw are going back to camp. We will see you at the next gathering." Snowpoppy said briskly.

"Where do you think your going?" A stranger asked. Runningwish looked over and her breath hitched. That was him, the tom who killed Sunpaw in her vision.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" He asked, slowly approaching the cats. Runningwish growled, narrowing her eyes and getting into an attack stance.

"Stay away. Go back to Shadowclan where you belong Thornleap!" She snarled at him. Thornleap was a rather big tom. He narrowed his eyes at the smaller cat.

"I'll kill you where you stand, and massacre these medicine cats too. Either way they die like Tigertooth planned." Thornleap growled. The medicine cats gasped in shock.

"You're insane!" Tawnywish hissed.

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