Chapter 42

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Runningwish leapt at the tom, bristling angrily. No one was going to make that threat! She didn't care how big he was, that just gave her more places to claw at him.

Thronleap hissed when she scratched at his side, trying to get onto his back, but he was moving to much. He rolled and it loosed her grip enough that he could get away from her.

She felt a huge weight land on her before she could get up. She yowled when she felt his calws scratching at her bellyfur. Runningwish twisted and struggle to get free, making it harder for him to get to her stomach. She hissed and started biting at his paws that were holding her down.

Sunpaw watched them fight, stunned by everything, still absorbing all the facts. Tawnywish growled and got up.

"We can't let her fight alone!" Tawnywish hissed, charging at the large tom.  Bramblefrost and Mudpool joined in after her in taking Thornleap down. They were able to get his attention and he released Runningwish.

The tabby sprinted away to get a distance between them. Thornleap lashed out at Tawnywish, knocking her off of his back and then he rounded on Mudpool. Mudpool growled and struck out, cutting Thornleap's muzzle.

He didn't flich as blood started to blob together and fall slowly down his face. Suddenly a brown tabby slammed into the orange Shadowclan cat and held him down, using his back legs to claw at his bellyfur.

Thornleap yowled out in pain just like Runningwish had. He broke away from Bramblefrost and took off, out to the moor and cutting to the forest.

"This isn't over!" Thornleap yelled after himself. Bramblefrost was breathing heavily as he watched the bigger tom go.

Sunpaw looked to him and smiled widely. His sparkly aura was completely aligned with him. He looked powerful, like a true warrior. Then it came to her, his real name.

"Bramblestar!" Sunpaw whispered to herself.

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now