Chapter 6

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A few days had passed and Rainmist had a proper burial. Runningwish returned from a hunting patrol and was glad to see her old mentor feeling better about her mothers passing.

She saw Sunkit waiting for her by the entrance of the nursery with Winterkit and Rainkit.

Runningwish drooped her mouse on the fresh kill pile. She trotted over to Sunkit and let the kits tackle her.

"Ambush!" Runningwish yowled playfully. They laughed and played all day until dusk had come.

Runningwish sat outside with Winterkit and Rainkit passed out beside her and Sunkit wide awake with her. They watched the moon and silverpelt together.

"So all those stars are Starclan warriors?" Sunkit asked, looking up at them.

"Yes, each star is one of our ancestors watching over us." Runningwish explained. Sunkit lowered her ears and a pondering look crossed her face.

"I don't see many cats." Sunkit said. Runningwish was confused at first. She doesn't see many?

"Intruder!" A cat yowled from the camp entrance. Runningwish shot up and stood over the kits protectively.

It was Mouseplet. She was growling at the intruders and lashing her tail.

Runningwish saw two toms and a she-cat.

"Lionblaze, Jayfeather..." She heard Sunkit whisper. Runningwish twitched her whiskers but ignored it.

"Get out of the way! Where is Greystar?" The gray tom demanded, stepping up to Mousepelt. Runningwish noted he had strange wrappings, covering his eyes. Mousepelt hissed in warning. Snowstrike pelted to the leaders den and came out with Greystar.

"Mousepelt, what's going on?" Greystar demanded. Mousepelt calmed down and let her fur ease.

"These three intruders have wandered into camp!" Greystar nodded thoughtfully and stepped forward. He looked absolutetly shocked.

"Lionstar? Jayfeather? What are you doing here?"

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now