Chapter 13

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Sunkit bounded out of the nursery the next morning. Winterkit and Rainkit were on her heels.

Foxkit had started walking but his eyes weren't fully open yet, so he had to stay with Ivyheart in the nursery.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting." A powerful and low toned voice called. The kits stopped playing and sat by the nursery to listen. Slowly the clan gathered and revealed that Lionstar had called for the meeting.

"I know I am no longer the leader of Thunderclan. I have chosen that my name will be changed back to Lionblaze. But before I do, I wish to make Cheetahpaw a warrior." He announced. All the cats murmured for a while to themselves while the gold and black spotted she-cat stepped forward.

Lionstar looked down proudly.

"Cheetahpaw, you are my second daughter, throughout our journey and your training you stayed strong and willful; what a true warrior always is. I know there was heart break and troubles along the way but today that is forever gone. Cheetahpaw, do you promise to protect your clan and your clanmates even at the cost of your life?" Lionstar asked. Cheetahpaw looked like her fur was aflame with joy.

"I do." She answered strongly.

" Then I hope Starclan approves my choice. Cheetahpaw, from this day forward you will no longer be known as Cheetahpaw your warrior name is Cheetahstep. May Starclan forever light your path." Lionstar finished. Sunkit stood up, her fur fluffed up in giddyness.

"Cheetahstep! Cheetahstep!" Sunkit cheeered, surprisingly the first to chant for the new warrior. The rest of the clan chanted for her as well and Cheetahstep looked so happy.

Greystar stepped forward and silenced everyone with his tail.

"But we also have another announcement. Lionstar, you have agreed to step down from your title. Your name will now be Lionblaze." Lionblaze nodded and stepped down on the highledge. Jayfeather walked forward.

"I also have something to say, in honor of Hawkpath." Jayfeather said. Hawkpath walked forward with a rusty purr.

"She has decided she is ready to become an elder." Jayfeather announced. Many cats talked again but not with doubt but with joy for the old medicine cat.

"Hawkpath, you have served Thunderclan for many moons and seasons. It is now time for us to serve you. Hawkpath, do you agree to step down from your medicine cat duties and allow Snowpoppy to suceed you?" Jayfeather asked. Hawkpath glanced at her apprentice with a soft look in her eyes.

"I do." She said, looking back up to her old mentor.

The dark tom nodded, the strange wrapping still covering his eyes as he looked down at her.

"Then as you have served, it is our job now to repay your work. You are now an elder, Hawkpath. May Starclan watch over you." Jayfeather purred. The clan cheered for her and Dewnose along with Amberfur walked over to welcome her to their group. Sunkit purred in happiness.

She loved Thunderclan.

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