Chapter 22

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Goldensky stayed silent and watched her mate slip through the crowd and took a seat beside a black tom. She flicked her ear, pollen catching in her fur with the sudden breeze.

Goldensky sighed. Where was her kit? She gave up her search and looked over for Runningwish. The brown tabby was next to their brother, her ears alert and her eyes pointed up at the leaders as they made their announcements.

Goldensky took a deep breath and crept backwards. She shuffled past ferns and bushes on her way to the rim of the island.

She snuck past the bushes and undergrowth until she saw the fallen log that united the island and the opposite shore. Trying her best to stay without suspicion, Goldensky crept through the leafs and cautiously pushed her way into the crowd.

Her heart beat sped, she could be discovered if she wasn't careful. The good part of her being away this long meant she no longer carried the same scent and it would help her get a word with her siblings.

When she was in reach, Goldensky pawed Runningwish to get her attention and started to back up.

Runningwish was listening to Rabbitstar give his announcements about Windclan and got pushed over by something. She straightened and apologized to her neighbor.

Looking around and spotted a gold cat backing away. Runningwish glanced at Voleeye and saw he was busy talking to Spottedlegs.

Deciding she could deal with this on her own, she walked out of the crowd and after the mysterious cat that pushed her.

When she got past all of the brush, she saw the gold cat standing by the shore.

"Hey, you!" Runningwish yowled, trotting over to them. She tried to figure out which clan they were from by smell, but they didn't carry the scent of any of them.

When Runningwish was behind them, the cat turned around.

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