Chapter 23

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Runningwish gasped, stepping away from the she-cat in utter shock.

"Go-Goldensky?" Runningwish asked in a bewildered voice. Goldensky bent her ears back nervously, pawing at the ground and flicking her tail back and forth.

"Yeah, its me. I know, I shouldn't be here, or talking to you, but I just wanted to see my kit. How is she? She lived didn't she?" Goldensky asked, panic pricking her pelt with the possibility. Runningwish was still surprised by her appearance, but gave a slow nod.

"Thank Starclan..." Goldensky sighed in relief. She looked back up at her sister.

"Is she a warrior?" Goldensky asked. Runningwish's fur was slowly relaxing and flatening again but she found it hard to speak. Goldensky flexed her claws anxiously, Tigertooth would be looking for her soon.

"Is she a warrior?!" Goldensky demanded, standing up and thrusting her face into Runningwish's. The gold-footed she-cat stumbled back, surprised by her sister's desperation.

"N-no. She is a medicine cat apprentice... Goldensky, why are you here? A-are you really here? Am I dreaming?" Runningwish asked, getting to her feet, her confused jade eyes never moving from her sister's worried sapphires. Goldensky looked away and paced back and forth, ignoring her questions.

"A medicine cat apprentice? Hawkpath has Snowpoppy though... Maybe Hawkpath died..." Goldensky mumbled to herself. Runningwish narrowed her eyes and realized the obvious.

"You have been gone so long... it doesn't feel right... Goldensky, come back. Come back to Thunderclan where you belong! Everyone misses you, especially me and Voleeye, Lionpelt and Vineclaw too!" Runningwish said, walking in front of her and blocking her path. Goldensky stoppped and looked up at her.

Her eyes were regretful, but she turned away harshly.

"I love Tigertooth, I'll never leave him. But I will always watch you and sneak around but the clan will never accept me back, we both know that. I only let you see me so I could ask about her. You did good in raising her, and I'm glad she doesn't know about me. I have to go. Please keep taking care of her for me. Promise me." Goldensky asked, slowly backing away from her sister. Runningwish was having flashbacks from when Goldensky had asked her to take care of her kit that night moons ago.

All she could do, watching her sister leave and only Starclan knowing when she would see her again, she could only say two words.

"I promise."

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