Chapter 8

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Runningwish brought Sunkit back to the nursery. Jayfeather watched them for a moment, then turned back to his old apprentice.

"You can't go running up to strangers in the camp." Runningwish scorned. Sunkit bent her ears back in embarrassment.

"I just wanted to talk to him. There is just something about him..." Sunkit said, whispering the last part. Runningwish twitched her tail in slight annoyance.

"Just don't be so recklass next time. Come on its going to rain, you should get back inside and play with Rainkit and Winterkit." Runningwish suggested. Sunkit chimed up and raced into the den.

Rednose walked over to the nursery, staring at the new comers. Runningwish stopped him before he stepped inside the nursery.

"Do you know who they are?" Runningwish asked, tilting her head toward the trio. Rednose glanced at them again and shrugged.

"Only stories. The tall gold tom is Lionstar, the leader of Thunderclan before Greystar. The dark grey tomis his brother and a blind medicine cat. I have no idea who the she-cat is." Rednose said. Runningwish looked over at the gold and black spotted she cat follow them to Greystar's den.

"Have you seen our kit yet?" Rednose asked suddenly.

"No not yet. What have you named it?" Runningwish asked. Rednose purred and motioned with his tail for her to follow him inside.

"This den is getting to full!" Ravenscar purred when she saw Rednose and Runningwish come inside. Ivyheart was laying not to far away with one kit snuggled in her belly fur.

It was a tom with wild orange hair.

"We are naming him Foxkit. After my brother." Rednose said.

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