Chapter 40

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Back at the Thunderclan camp Runningwish was sitting in her nest in the warrior's den. She knew it was very late and she should be sleeping but she couldnt. She felt uneasy ever since she got to her nest and didnt understand why.

She hadnt gotten any visions, no one was in danger, Tiny and Smear were being guarded. So why was she so anxious?

Maybe the new cats had her on edge... She hadn't talked to Tiny but she had interacted with Smear one time when they ran into eachother in the forest while hunting. The she-cat seemed very nervous about being in the camp with most of Runningwish's clanmates glaring at her, but she was sure Thunderclan would warm up to her eventually.

Runningwish sighed as the memory drifted away. She stood up and stretched her limbs.

She walked out of the warrior's den and look around the camp. She spotted Tiny and Smear curled up beside eachother, Smear mainly acting as a cover for her mate, which Runningwish found to look adorable.

A sharp pain swept through her as she remembered she didn't have a mate. She sighed and walked to the camp entrance. She stopped at the nursery and peeked inside.

She could see Heatherear in a corner, her kits taking up majority of the room, mainly her biggest son, Owlkit. Runningwish remembered seeing them play and Owlkit appeared to be a perfect brother, using his size to protect his siblings when they would play-fight.

She looked over and saw Ivyheart. Her only son was tightly curled beside her in a puff of orange and white fur. Runningwish backed out of the den and continued her trek to the camp entrance.

Darklight was guarding tonight.

"I don't see you up at this time very often. Can't sleep?" Darklight asked, his voice was low and gruff. Runningwish nodded.

"I'm just going for a walk in the forest... it might help." Runningwish said, padding past the tom.

"Stay safe." She heard Darklight call after her. Runningwish sighed and trudded through the forest, following paths that didn't exist. She froze suddenly as a wave of shock ran through her.

She saw Sunpaw, yowling in pain with a huge tom looming over her. He had thick and powerful claws with orange fur, snarling at Runningwish's niece. He brought his paw down and cut at Sunpaw's throat, silencing her cries of torment.

Runningwish gasped for air as she was freed from her horrific vision.

Sunpaw! That was Sunpaw!
No! No, I am going to save her! She can't die! Not like Foxfoot! Runningwish thought to herself. She ran, ran as fast as she could toward the moonpool. She had to stop it, her vision couldn't come true!

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