Chapter 10

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"Why are you with Lion... star and Jayfeather?" Runningwish asked, sitting down. Cheetahpaw glanced at the den entrance and covered her paws with her tail.

"Lionstar is my father. My mother left us before we came here..." Cheetahpaw mumbled. Runningwish felt pity for her.

"I'm sorry, but do you know why they left Thunderclan?" Runningwish asked, trying to not be to bold. Cheetahpaw shyed a little bit.

"I-I'm not sure. Jayfeather and Lionstar have been mentors to me and have only told me about Thunderclan, not why they left... maybe Starclan told Jayfeather something. He's always distracted..." Cheetahpaw said. Runningwish pondered for a moment. Was it Starclan that brought them back? Why did they leave?

Suddenly Snowstrike walked out of the den.

"Runningwish, can you have Darklight, Barkfur, and Firepaw come to talk with Greystar please." Runningwish blinked and stood up.

"Of course." Runningwish gave her a swift nod and bounded down the high ledge to the warriors den.

She poked her head inside and looked around. Only a few warriors were inside.

"Darklight?" Runningwish asked. She heard a grumble and two amber eyes glare at her.

"What is it Runningwish?" He asked.

"Can't I get some sleep? I was on the dawn patrol this morning..." Darklight mumbled and yawned.

"Snowstrike says Greystar wishes to speak with you." Runningwish said. Darklight shook himself and stretched.

"Alright, I'll be there soon." Darklight said. Runningwish nodded and backed out of the entrance. Barkfur must be on a patrol...

She spotted Willowpaw and Firepaw wrestling outside the apprentice den and padded over.

"Firepaw! Greystar requested to see you!" Runningwish called. His ginger head shot up and his ears alert. He looked nervous and broke away from Willowpaw.

"I'll be back in a minute." Firepaw said over his shoulder. He ran off to Greystars den without hesitation.

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now