Chapter 33

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Runningwish blinked as Cheetahstep started finishing her story.

"And then we made our way here and... well you know the rest." Cheetahstep said. Runningwish nodded slowly.

"Was she really like that? Did you ever see her again?" Runningwish asked curuously. Cheetahstep shook her head.

"No we never saw her again. I barely remember what she looks like. She wasn't a very good queen, but she sadly is my mother. I never regretted choosing Lionstar and Jayfeather over her but sometimes... I do wonder how she is doing." Cheetahstep said, sighing and pawing the ground. Runningwish brushed her pelt against hers and purred.

"Oh come on! Don't get all depressed! I prefer the happy Cheetahstep. Don't make me get Sunpaw over here to lighten your day." Runningwish teased. Cheetahstep purred in response and pulled herself from her worries.

"Runningwish! Cheetahstep! Me and Voleeye are going hunting, do you want to come?" Shrewstep called from across the clearing. Both of the she-cat's ears perked up.

"Hunting might help you forget, come on. We  should too since the pile is getting low." Runningwish said, getting to her paws and walking to her brother and Shrewstep. Cheetahstep shook herself and got up, chasing after Runningwish.

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