Chapter 17

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 A few days later Sunkit's cut was healed but warriors were staying on guard more now since the hawk attack.

 "Sunkit! I have something to tell you!" Heatherear called from her spot outside the nursery. Sunkit turned around and saw Snowstrike walking away.

 "Coming!" She called back, running over.

 "What is it?" She asked. Heatherear purred.

 "You have reached your sixth moon and Snowstrike has told me Greystar is ready to appoint a mentor to you." Heatherear said. Sunkit was bursting with joy at the news, but she glanced back at Winterkit and Rainkit.

 "Are Winterkit and Rainkit having their ceremonies too?" Sunkit asked, turning back to Heatherear. Heatherear glanced over to them.

 "They're not old enough yet Sunkit." Heatherear said. Sunkit's heart dropped in disappointment.

 "Why not? I don't want to be the only apprentice! Firesong and Willowbelly already had their ceremonies!" Sunkit whined. Heatherear flicked her ear in amusement.

 "I thought you wanted to be a medicine cat like Jayfeather and Snowpoppy." Sunkit stopped when she heard that. Her pelt grew hot in embarrassment.

 "Well... um.. won't they be upset I'm ahead of them?" Sunkit asked. Heatherear sighed.

 "Sunkit, they will be happy you are moving on, and medicine cats train longer then warriors do." Heatherear said.

 "They do?"

 "Yes, so you will all be apprentices together." Heatherear explained. Sunkit chided at her.

 "Fine. Only for that reason." She said stubbornly. Heatherear rolled her eyes and licked the golden kit on the head.

 "You'll be a fine medicine cat. Tomorrow will be your ceremony. Go on, go tell Winterkit and Rainkit the good news." Heatherear urged, nuging her gently with her nose. Sunkit giggled and ran off to the others to tell them.

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