Chapter 20

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Runningwish waited with Voleeye and a few other warriors who were waiting for Greystar to give signal to leave and go to the gathering.

"Do you think her being a medicine cat is a good idea?" Voleeye asked, glancing at the medicine cat den every few minutes. Runningwish nudged him playfully.

"I'm sure she will enjoy it. Sunpaw would fit as a warrior or a medicine cat." Runningwish reassured. Voleeye nodded in thought.

She sighed and looked away from him. He's a little too worried about her. Sunpaw is going to be a fine medicine cat.

"Aren't you coming Jayfeather?" Lionblaze asked his brother. Runningwish twitched her ears and turned them toward the two toms.

"No. I think I want to stay in camp tonight." Jayfeather said, sounding a little rushed.

"If you want. But we need to go to the other clans by dawn tomorrow..." He paused.

"Please, watch her for me." Lionblaze said. Jayfeather scratched at the ground.

"Of course." Runningwish's evesdropping was interrupted when Greystar finally gave the signal for them to leave. Sunpaw ran up beside her.

"How is the herb life treating you so far?" Runningwish asked while they pushed through the camp entrance. Sunpaw puffed.

"I like it. Smells funny and the dust makes my eye water but I like it so far for my first day." Sunpaw purred.

"Thats good." Runningwish said. Sunpaw nodded but started to slip away toward Snowpoppy.

They reached the fallen log and Rabbitstar was waiting for his clan to cross. Greystar nodded to him and had his clan wait. When Windclan had crossed, Thunderclan started clawing their way over.

Runningwish carefully crossed the slippery bark and Voleeye was waiting on the other side with Shrewstep.

"Come on, Windclan is going to take all the spots!" Shrewstep teased, running off into the clearing with the two tabbys following him.

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