Chapter 21

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Cats gathered together in peace, loud and friendly. The she-cat silently padded through the undergrowth of the island. She pushed her way past blocking ferns and the smell of the clan cats wafted around her.

She felt another pelt beside her, but ignored it and searched the crowd.

"I know she's here... She has to be." The she-cat murmured to herself.

"Who is she?" The cold voice beside her asked. The she-cat stiffened momentarily, trying to think of a quick lie.

"Runningwish... do you see her?" She said, hoping he hadn't noticed her hesitation. He huffed in response and kept his eyes up at the leaders. Greystar, Thistlestar, Pebblestar, and Rabbitstar were perched on their branches, talking about something.

"Are you sure we are ready? We can wait until the next gathering Tigertooth." She said, hoping he would agree. Tigertooth looked down at her with annoyed confusion.

"Of course I'm sure, Goldensky. I've been planning this for a long time..." Tigertooth growled, his sharp amber gaze looking away to glare at a certain ginger pelt. Goldensky held her ears down in worry.

"When will we make a move?" Goldensky asked quietly. Tigertooth crawled a little farther when the leaders were about to start announcing.

"When Pebblestar speaks."

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