Warrior Cats Striped Savage Book 2

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Leader: Pebblestar- Black tom with green eyes

Deputy: Hawkclaw- Brown tabby tom with blue eyes

Medicine Cat: Tawnywish- Brown she-cat with blue eyes

apprentice: Bramblefrost


Frostfang- White she-cat with blue eyes

apprentice- Bluepaw

Blazetail- Brown tabby tom with green eyes

apprentice- Crabpaw

Silversky- Silver tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Rippleshine- Gold and white she-cat with blue eyes

apprentice- Brightpaw

Surgewhisker- Golden and brown tom with grey feet and green eyes

apprentice- Fishpaw

Leapardtail- Golden tabby she-cat with green eyes

Oakstream- Dark brown tom with blue eyes

apprentice- Stonepaw

Mistynose- Grey she-cat with a silvered muzzle and amber eyes

Crookedtooth- White tourtishell tom with blue eyes and a sideways tooth

Barktail- Brown tabby tom with blue eyes

Greyclaw- Grey tom with green eyes


Bluepaw- Bluish furred she-cat with blue eyes

Fishpaw- Bluish furred tom with amber eyes

Stonepaw- Grey tom with green eyes

Crabpaw- Gold and ginger tom with green eyes

Brightpaw- Gold she-cat with amber eyes


Mothstrike-White and black she-cat with green eyes

Whitepelt- White she-cat with silver foot and amber eyes

Warrior Cats: Striped Savage Book 2Where stories live. Discover now