Angel Face

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Duncan Marshall

Mystery, tragic and lonely are the few words people use to describe him. But among all that he is also known to be The Angel in Suit. He has got everything to be every girl's most beautiful dream but you're lucky if he even spares you a glance.

And maybe it's better that way.

Evangeline Davis

Free spirited excavate analyst, with a dysfunctional family. She has got the job she loves and the perfect boyfriend she adores. The only thing missing is the presence of a normal functioning family. Still, it's not enough to bring her spirit down because she has high hopes for the future that one day everything would be perfect.


Everything comes crashing down when one day she comes home to find a handsome stranger, with a swoon worthy British accent, sitting on her couch with her family.

Now where there is an 'angel', there is the 'devil'. Not to mention a whole lot of trouble, waiting just around the corner.

Angel FaceWhere stories live. Discover now