Confirm, What?

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Naked cuddling.

Something that I've done plenty of times before. But never has it ever felt so right, so complete, so familiar and so addicting. Every brush of skin on skin, burned and sent a jolt throughout my body. But if so, then I liked getting burned, since I couldn't stop my hands from wandering. And it was a surprise that I hadn't woken him up.

I was wide awake in the dark room, wrapped up tight in his arms. Last night, was informative, to say the least. And as I laid here in the quiet, my mind wandered back to the first half of the evening. But the more I thought, the more my head hurt.

Shouldn't have drank that fast.

Last night had its ups and down. But the night spiralled and hit rock bottom, the moment I passed out before things could get too far. Biggest regret and totally embarrassing. Maybe if I don't mention it, he wouldn't bring it up.

Plus, I have more pressing things to think about.

I still wasn't too sure where I stood. It was too much to process, nothing that could be done in a few minutes. But I care too much about him, to sentence him to a night of sleepless wondering like me, or a trip to the bottom of his bottle of Whiskey. Just, not enough to jump headfirst into hellfire for him.

I peeked up at him to see his sleeping face. He went through hell, losing everything he ever knew like that. But instead of pity, I felt hurt. Carrying a weight like that is never easy, yet he carries it without a complain. He never asked for this and he no longer has any part in it. But will he always be able to keep his present life from his past? The past catches up to you and Luciantra just acted as the catalyst in this.

I let out a sigh as I brushed my fingers over his hair. He hummed as he pulled me closer, his lips curving up into a smile. "It's too early to be thinking so hard." He grumbled, voice rough with sleep. "Good morning." I smiled up at him, receiving a wonderful kiss in return. "Good morning, love." Leaning into him, I closed my eyes. The world and my decision can wait a few more minute, hours or even days. On another thought, three months sounds like an excellent number too. For now, I'd rather stay here all wrapped up and tangled limbs, drowning in his kisses.


It was only around lunch time, that we managed to crawl out of bed. Only to realise that we didn't have any food in the house. There was an air of contentment and happiness as we traveled to Les Saveurs. Suddenly, I realised that I was yet to turn my cell back on, from last night. Turning it back on, I was assaulted by the incessant chimes of notifications.

"Looks like you were, missed." Duncan chuckled, keeping his eyes on the road. I scanned through the arrays of messages of missed calls. "It's Clarissa," I mused, reading through a few of her messages. "Checking on me and seeing if we made up."

"More like made out." I flushed at his two cents. Deciding not to acknowledge it, I called Clarissa, back. "Angie! How did it go?" She fired right away, making me chuckle. "What, no 'how are you'?" I joked. There was a pause. "Right! How are you? Do you need to crash at my place? Wait. You sound happy... or was it sarcasm? Anyway, did he tell you everything? You know what? Just spend the night at my place. I'll call Helena too. We can have a sleepover and catch up."

"Slow down, Clary." I interrupted her, with a chuckle, before she could continue. "I'm fine. No, I don't need to crash at your place. Yes, he told me everything and having a sleepover sounds amazing." A groan of protest from my side interrupted me. I shot him an incredulous look before getting back to my conversation. "So, as I was saying, I'll come over to your place, and I can tell you everything then, okay?" We discussed a few more details before hanging up, as I watched Duncan pull to a stop.

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