Can You Let Me In?

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Time flew by like summer breeze, blowing away Christmas and New Years along with it. Christmas eve was spent with Duncan's foster family and although I missed my own family, the cheery aspect of the gathering and Duncan, helped keep me distracted. After that, Christmas morning greeted me with a Face Time from my parents and twins, the first Christmas surprise from Duncan. 

Later part of the day was spent rambunctiously with friends, which involved food and gift unwrapping . In contrast to Christmas, new year was a private affair, spent on our couch, wrapped up in a blanket, as we watched the ball drop in Times Square on the television.

That day after leaving Le Saveurs, as we had decided, we stayed home and didn't leave the bedroom. That is until we got hungry and Duncan volunteered to cook, to compensate for our cut short lunch. Thankfully, Grace had restocked the kitchen, while we were out.

As we had promised, the next night, I spent at Clarissa's along with Helena. The night was spent catching up, gossiping, binge watching sappy romantic movies and of course pre-planning Clarissa's Baby shower. It had been a while since I had so much fun, with friends. It was like I was back in my student years, where I would stay over at friends' place, staying up and talking till the break of dawn.

But now, the end of January was here and there were three things that were driving me insane. Firstly,  we had just a little over a month left before Richard presented me with the divorce papers, which in itself was making me antsy. Secondly, the count down to saying goodbye to everything Luciantra had begun. Everything was to be packed up and transferred in a week's time. Which brought us to the next problem, Duncan's father, whom I came to know as Severino Morte, was yet to make his move. Which was now also starting to get to Duncan, as he grew more cautious. So much so, that we were arguing at the moment.

"Why don't you understand, I can't." He fumed, frustrated, as he paced the bedroom floor as I stood next to our bed. "It's just three days, Duncan." I whined in frustration.

"Exactly." He paused. "It's three days. Three days out of seven. That's almost half the time." He argued. "I'm canceling it." He declared, determined, making me gasp. "No you wouldn't." I protested. "This is a huge deal, Duncan. You'll lose important clientèle, if you don't go." Duncan was due to fly out to Houston for two days because of business. Apparently there were a couple of his clients who wanted to upgrade and needed new installation at a larger scale. So, Duncan had meetings and tours lined up there. Also, he was needed to stop over in Detroit, to meet new potential clients, adding one more day to the mix. But the guy wasn't ready to go there without me, nor could he send anyone there on his stead.

"I don't care about that. I can always recover the financial loses. But you being here--"

"I'm not a baby, Duncan. I can take care of myself." I tried to assure him as I cupped his face, and gave him a smile. "Plus, how am I alone? You always have someone tailing me." He wrapped his around me as he leaned into my hands, lips pursed. "It's not enough. I won't be able to focus on anything. I would be too worried."

"Go." Dropping my hands, I wrapped them around his neck. "Everything will be fine. I would've proper escorts, who no doubt would keep an eyes on me and report back to you. And if that isn't enough, you can call me how much ever you want and even I would call you." He let out a defeated sigh, resting his head on my shoulder. "Why do I feel like, I'm being kicked out."

"Just making sure, your work doesn't suffer." I whisper brushing his hair. "It's bad enough, that you haven't hired anyone to replace Jack."

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