I Wonder Why?

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Duncan's POV



Being trapped inside your head is not like drowning. It is like being underwater with weights holding you down.

You can't move.

You can't see.

You can't speak.

All you can do is breathe, and be tortured by the knowledge of being so close yet so far from the surface. You see the elusive glimmer of light, and doubt its presence. Sometimes, you can hear voices but can't understand whose they're or what they're saying. It's too muffled.

The more you try to break free, the more you sink. 




The voices get louder... and clearer. My eyes burn at the sudden onslaught of light. I try to blink the light away but the burn grows stronger as white light burns into my eyes.

I sigh in relief when the lights get blocked by a shadowing figure over me. I wince when I hear someone scream into my ears. "Shut up." I choke out in a groan. The noise quietens and the lights dim, as they come into focus. I stare up at the overhead fluorescent light, my mind racing trying to do its job through a splitting headache.

What's going on?

Am I hungover?

"No, you're not hungover."

"What?" I crane my head up at the voice, and frown at the man in the room. I squint as my mind works overtime trying to place his name. "Brian?" That sounds about right. Brian Woods. I glance around the room, taking in the machines and the tubes. Hospital. "What's going on?" I wonder out loud.

My eyes center on Brian when he takes a step forward. "You don't remember?" He asks, his eyes narrowing. I take in deep breaths. This headache is killing me. "Remember what, exactly?" My voice comes out strained and rough. "I can't think straight, right now. Headache."

The door swung open, momentarily distracting us, as a doctor walked in followed by a nurse. The new arrivals paused at the doorway, taking in the scene, before jumping into action.

"Mr Marshall, I'm Dr. Rice. How are you feeling?" The doctor introduced himself as he checked my breathing.  "Any aches? Dizziness? Numbness?" He went on listing symptoms.

"Just a bad headache so far." I mused, as the doctor went on to check my pupils. "Nurse Kelly will see to it." He nodded to the nurse, taking the ipad from her. He typed out a few things on the device, while the nurse moved around the room before injecting something into the IV.

"Mr Marshall, do you remember why you were brought to the hospital?" My eyes followed him as he walked to the end of the bed and lifted the blanket over my ankles. I focused on the question and thought back. Now that the pain medication was starting to kick in, it was easier to think.

I remember seeing my father and arguing with him. I had shot three of his men. The last thing I remember was the shattering of glass. "I think I was shot." I mused. The doctor just hummed. "Can you move your toes?" I nodded before doing so. He then placed his palms against my soles. "Push back against my palms." I did. He nodded, then replaced the blanket.

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