What Did He Say?

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I woke up before my alarm, from the chirping of all the birds outside my window. Talk about waking up like a Disney princess. First morning after getting married and honestly I don't feel any different. It's like any other day the only thing different being the room.

I begrudgingly made my way towards the en suit bathroom, which like the entire house was elegant and beautiful. I applied toothpaste on my brush before I looked up to see the most horrifying sight. Wow, now that's a worse bedhair than Anna's from Frozen. After brushing, I took a nice shower and wrapped in a towel, made my way to the walk in closet.

Last night I didn't bother unpacking so after getting dressed I decided to do just that. It took me half an hour to arrange everything in their rightful places. Slightly tired from all the walking around, stretching and bending, I sat down on the white ottoman in the closet as I slipped my black heels on. Standing up I looked around the closet one last time before picking up my bag and heading out of the closet. I dropped my mobile and wallet in my bag. I looked around the room one last time, feeling as if I was forgetting something. That's when I realised that my car wasn't here and that Duncan was going to drive me to and fro the Society so I didn't need my car keys.

I glanced at the clock to see the time. Today was the first day at work after I got married and after the technical upgradation of security was completed. I still had enough time to make and have breakfast before I had to leave for work, so I made my way downstairs.

Usually anybody would be freaking out after the weird circumstances that I got married under, yesterday. But surprisingly I felt absolutely calm as if nothing had changed. Maybe I was numb, I don't know and don't want to dwell on it. I walked down the stairs as I wondered what Duncan would have for breakfast because clearly I wasn't going to share. He had said that I would regret it so does he have some cook working for him? Or maybe he was just bluffing and actually has frozen food or takeout for meals.

I walked to the kitchen and slid the door to it open. Only to be greeted by the shirt clad back of Duncan. Hearing the door slide open, he looked over his shoulder and shot me a grin. "Good morning, Eva. I was just finishing up so you can have the kitchen to yourself now."

"Good morning and thank you." I smiled as I placed my bag on one of the chairs of the six seater dining table which was placed in the middle of the kitchen. He turned around with a cup in his hand as he sat back on one of the chair on whose backrest his jacket was hung. I walked to the counter ready to whip something for myself while Duncan started going through some files.

"Duncan, did you have breakfast?" I asked when I noticed that there were no dirty dishes in the sink. "Yeah..." He turned to look at me but when noticed what I was staring at, he added "I did the dishes."

"Yeah?" I said with a little surprise seeping into my voice. I've never met one person who has happily done the dishes, so I'm surprised. "So, what did you have for breakfast?" I asked as I went through the cupboards looking for something I could have for breakfast. I heard the chair being pushed back and felt Duncan brush past me. I looked at him to see him open the refrigerator and take two eggs and a milk carton out.

Blushing I took a step back when Duncan stepped closer and stretched to take something out of the top cabinet I had been checking. He placed the eggs, milk carton and a loaf of bread on the counter. "Huevos Rancheros is what I had." He smirked, leaning against the counter. "But seeing the lost look on your face, I think you can manage with French toast?"

Huevos Rancheros? Now what is that? I frowned when I realised what he said after that. How dare he judge me? Although he is right, but still! "French toast is fine." I snapped and whipped around to get on with my work. I heard him chuckle before he resumed his place on the chair. I carefully started to prepare the dish not wanting to further embarrass myself in front of Duncan. "By the way, your mom called me this morning." He suddenly spoke.

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