Where Are They?

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The chapter is going to be a little intense and not something you guys would have expected. And I would have said sorry for what I did (you'll know once you read) but I'm not.

So, Ready for a mini shit show? ;)


I took shaky steps inside as I glanced around the room to see it completely trashed. Everything was on the floor, the couches flipped, the cupboards on the floor. Pieces of broken plates, bowls and shattered glasses scattered on the floor, crunching under pressure as I stepped on them.

"Mom?" I called out, apprehension clear in my voice. "Dad?" A whimper left my throat when there was no reply. "Mom, where are you? Dad?" I rushed upstairs to see it in the same condition as downstairs. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I opened every door to see them empty and trashed. Where were they? Who did this to my home? A series of strangled sobs left my lips as I ventured deeper. I rubbed my eyes when they got too blurry with tears for me to see anything.

"Please..." I looked around. They were not here. What am I to do? They had to be okay, I wouldn't know what to do if they are not there. My hands shook at my sides as I gripped my phone harder. Wiping the tears away, I jogged downstairs. I need to call the police. I turned on the phone but paused. What if someone kidnapped them and would hurt them if they come to know I called the police. But I can't not call the police. What should I do?


Yes, Duncan will know what to do. I dialed his number as I ran my free hand through my hair. The phone rang until it went to voice-mail. I tried again then again but every time it went to voice-mail. "Dammit! Pick up the phone."

"Ma'am, it has bee--" my eyes drifted to Gary, who stood frozen at the doorway. "What happened here? Ma'am, please I need to get you out of here." He spoke once he recovered. I nodded as I rushed to him. "Gary, I need to get to Duncan as soon as possible." He nodded and quickly guided me back to the car before speeding the car away.

"It's almost half past 8, so sir must be either home or on his way there." He informed me to which I just nodded still in a daze. I wonder how long they've been missing. Would I have found this out if I hadn't come back? Thank God the twins weren't home. I just hope everyone is safe. Duncan will help me find them. I don't have anything to worry, he is the best in business. He would do everything in his power to find them. Yes, Duncan will save them.

"Ma'am? Ma'am!" My eyes shot up to see Gary staring at me with worry etched on his face. "We're home." His words made me look outside the window, to see indeed we were home. I rushed out of the car and up the front porch step. Going to my knees, I disabled the entire security and pushing the door open, ran in.

"Duncan!" I yelled as I ran inside, I peeked into the kitchen to see it empty. I passed the glass column, heading towards the living room. "Eva? How was your~" Duncan walked out of the living room, still in his suit, and before he could complete his sentence, I flew into his arms and crushed him into a hug. He froze not expecting the contact but I couldn't care less. I was in a desperate need of comfort and at this moment he was the only one who could give me that.

"Eva, what's wrong?" He asked with a mix of concern and surprise as he patted my hair. But it only made me burst into a fresh round of tears. "Hey, come here." He guided me to the living room and made me sit on one of the couch before kneeling down in front of me. "Talk to me, love. What happened?" He brushed my cheeks dry and tucked any stray strand of hair behind my ears before cupping my face in his palms.

I sniffled and rubbed my nose. "I went back home. I-it was completely... trashed." I hiccuped while frown lines appeared on his face. "And my parents weren't there. Duncan, I'm scared. What if something bad happened to them?" I rambled as his hand fell from my face and lay limp on his lap while he stared off into distance. Taking a deep breath I continued "Duncan, I think we should call the police." Not waiting for his reply, I stood up and walked towards where I had dropped my phone. "I'll just call them, now." I picked up my phone from the ground but it was snatched away from me.

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