Expecting Someone?

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It was hard, getting out of bed.

Some days it felt as if it was an extension of me while, some days it felt like too much effort to get up. I would sigh away the day and stay awake through the sleepless night. The phone kept on ringing until the battery ran out.

It was unhealthy and, I knew it.

Almost a week later, I had had enough of myself. I couldn't stay inside my head anymore. It wasn't a good place. So, I put my phone on charge, took a long shower and made some myself breakfast. Feeling human enough, I picked up my phone and ignoring the slews of texts and missed calls, I dug out the business card my doctor had given me.

After making my first appointment, I walked up to the bay window and pulled back the curtains. It was March already but there was no sign of Spring anywhere in sight. Raining had been coming down with vengeance the last couple days. But today it was just drab and drizzling, which according to me was much more depressing. Storms never made you feel alone.

I leaned against the cushions placed against the window, as I contemplated calling Nick. Bracing myself for the lecture I knew would be facing, I gave him a call. "Evangeline, where the fuck are you?" I winced and I pulled away the phone from my ears as he yelled through the speaker. "I'm getting on my bike and you better tell me wherever the hell you are." He continued not waiting for a reply.

"Do you have any idea how worried everyone has been? Nobody knows where you are and on top of that you're not even answering your phone. You haven't even checked up on Duncan. You're being naive and immature if you think that not seeing him will help you not worry. That's not how things work, Angie."

"I know." He lets out a loud sigh.

"Where are you, Angie?" He asked again, sounding tired. "160 Riverside drive. I'll text you the rest." I answered. "I'll be there soon." Before I could say anything more, the line went dead. I huffed a breath, and leaned back into the pillows. I scrolled through the texts and voicemails, each one the same. Worried about me, asking where I was and to call back as soon as I saw their message. I doorbell went off, startling me. Nick wasn't supposed to be here so soon, and no one else knew about this place.

The bell went off again, making me jump to action. I walked to the door and opened it. My eyes widened at the sight of a very much pregnant ready to pop Clarissa, with two suitcases and a duffel bag on her each side. "Oh thank god." She exclaimed, as she waddled her way into the apartment. Confused, I looked from her to her suitcases, now abandoned in the hallway. I rolled them inside, before shutting the door.

Entering the living room, I found Clarissa sunken in the couch, eyes closed, with her feet up on the coffee table resting. "I thought you were going to stay in Boston with Jade and Dan, until the baby arrived?" I went to the kitchen and poured her some water. "Yeah." She sighed, taking the glass from me. "That was before I was bombarded by wary calls asking if I knew where you were. Now, if you're not at Duncan's or at your parent's. It was clear that you were here, after all no one knows about this place. That was days ago though, I didn't tell anyone because I knew you needed space. But that times up now, so here I am. Ready to pop any day now. So, you better take good care of me and your godchild."

Now, there was a lot in there to take in.

"Godchild?" I blinked as I dropped in the nearest couch.

"Yeah." She dabbed at her lips, placing the glass on the table. "Jack and I always knew Duncan would be the god-parent of our kids. So, that makes you his or her god-parent too." I manage to smile, not sure how to feel about that. "Thank you. It'll be an honor." I mused, sincerely. She just shrugged as she looked around the room.

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