Not Even Me?

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I watch the scene outside the car window change as we enter the city. "How far does she live?" The streets were relatively empty which would hopefully reduce our travel time. "More twenty minutes." He mumbles, making me glance at him.

I slumped back in my seat with a sigh. It was a long day and I hope we can get home soon, so we can both get the much needed rest. "Okay, I'm pulling up for a bit." Duncan declared out of nowhere before parking the car on the side of the road. "Wha-- why?" I asked worriedly, glancing around as if something would jump out of the shadows any moment. I finally looked at Duncan, to see him resting his head on the steering wheel.

"I can't focus." He replied before angling his head to face me. "I would've crashed any moment, if I didn't stop." He looked up at me with an apologetic look. But all I could notice were how his eyes were a bit pinkish from the strain. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "Give me a minute." He got off the car and shut the door behind him. I followed suit to see him take a few deep breaths while he paced near the car.

I tightened my coat around me, feeling the cold air nip on my skin, while I watched him closely. "You okay?" I asked with a knowing look. "Just tired." He confessed. I hummed gazing up at the dark cloudy sky. It's been a while since I last went star-gazing. "How about I drive and you give me the directions?" I offered after a while when he didn't stop pacing. Seeing that it was one of his sedans that we were riding, it would be easier for me to drive.

He paused to look at me before checking his watch for the time. He glanced back up at me. "It's okay, I'll drive. I can drive." He reassured me, before getting back inside the car. "Are you sure, you'll be fine?" I asked worriedly as I put my seatbelt back on. "Yeah, I'm sure." He shifted the gears and pressed on acceleration, setting the car in motion.

After twenty minutes we pulled up in front of a posh apartment complex. Once we got out, the valet person approached us for the car keys. Duncan handed him the keys, after which we entered the building. The well dressed man at the reception desk, gave us a curt nod. Which I realized was directed towards Duncan who reciprocated it with a nod of acknowledgement of his own. Duncan then guided me into the shiny silver elevator where he pressed the button for the 24th floor.

Traveling to the 24th floor in this metal box was one of the most awkward rides in my life. I kept glancing between the elevator position indicator and Duncan while Duncan looked as if he was ready to make a run for it. Which I thought was because, he was worried about Clarissa and wanted to get to her as soon as possible. But then why was there  a frown on his face, which kept deepening with every floor that we passed? I played with my fingers, willing the tingling sensation in them to go away, as the air thickened with tension. I let out a relieved sigh when the elevator dinged on reaching its destination, and rushed out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened on the 24th floor.

I couldn't breath in there.

"Are you okay, love?" I turned around to see Duncan slowly approach me with his hands in his pocket, looking a bit confused. "Yeah," I mused with a shrug before brushing it off. "Just a bit claustrophobic." He nodded un-surely, looking at me with pursed lips. "So, where is her apartment?" I asked a bit too cheerfully before looking around, finally taking in the beige and olive interior of the floor.

At my sudden change of tone, he narrowed his eyes and gave me a suspicious look. "Follow me." He finally looked away before walking past me. I followed him as we walked down a never ending corridor which had tables with vases or mantle pieces, and arm chairs pushed against the walls, just like the ones that are found in hotels. The walls were adorned by different paintings which were interrupted by the few doors that we passed.

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