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Since I'm not familiar with the technical terminology of Fencing, its use has been limited.

Valencio's (Duncan) POV (Age 17)




My opponent came into an advance lunge, my epee clashing with his as I block his attack then flick mine to hit his shoulder. We bounce away from each other and I eye my opponent to catch his tell. I feigned an attack and watched him jump to the right, to avoid the hit. He seemed to lean heavily to his left.

He moved in for a hit but I jumped away in time. It was followed by a combination of attacks as I kept moving out of the way. Finding an opening, I extended my epee, hitting the point on his chest pad before he retreated. I brought down my epee straight in a downward sweep before it was caught by his. He pushed my epee outward, and taking that as my cue, I pulled it away from under his epee, to deliver an upward flick. Dragging my point diagonally over his front.

Jumping back, I dodged the point of his epee from hitting my abdomen. We kept going back and forth, until I felt myself warmer than that was comfortable. I could feel the trickle of sweat rolling down the side of my face. But, I couldn't do anything as the assaults kept getting better and better and not to mention the face guard was a nuisance.

"Master Valencio." I heard my name and so did my opponent, effectively distracting him. I didn't reply and just took advantage of my opening. The staff knew well to state their business and not expect me to stop my training. "Mr Morte has requested your immediate presence in his office."

"Did he state the reason?" I asked as I continued parrying with my opponent. "I'm afraid not, sir." Looks like that's it for today then. I straightened up and stepped away from opponent, while he mirrored my action.


"Salute." We bowed to each other and ended the assault. Placing my epee back on the stand and took off my face guard, making my hair flop down on my face. Brushing my semi-wet hair back, I noticed the man who had come to deliver a message, still standing.

"Do I have the time to take a shower?"

"I'm afraid not, sir." I nodded. "Fine. Go ahead, I'll get changed and come straight there." With a nod he left. I quickly changed out of my gear, as I wondered what was the reason that I had been summoned so urgently. Was Papa again planning to go on another killing spree or was it something tamer.

I grabbed a towel as I left the arena. Wiping the excess sweat, I dropped the towel into the hamper that was always kept next to the staircase. I climbed the stairs to the first level and then walked to the double doors at the end of the corridor. Knocking at the door, I waited for it to be opened.

The doors were pulled open to reveal papa behind his unnecessarily large desk. He looked up as I walked in, his dark green eyes meeting mine as a gleeful smile spread on his lips. "Val! Good thing you're here. We've a lot to discuss."

"What is it that you wish to discuss, papa?" I asked as I stood in front of him. I schooled in my features as he stood up and rounded his desk to stand next to me, and taking a hold of my shoulders. "Today is a big day, my son. Today, is the day when you'll put all that you've been taught will be put to use. Today, the world will stand witness to the greatness of Valencio Hugo Morte, mio figlio, il futuro capo della mafia italiana." He looked so proud right now, but contrary to what he felt, I felt nauseous. I was supposed to have more time.

"What do you mean, papa?"

"It means, that training and watching period is over, son. It's time you officially join the family business."

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