What's Bothering You?

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The next day I woke up to a dark room.

In my dazed state, I noticed the faint light seeping into the room from under the heavy curtains. Clearly, it was already morning. The next thing I noticed was the back of the man sleeping next to me, the sheets reaching only up to his lower back. He had his face turned the other way, sparing me only the view of his light brown hair.

Lastly, I noticed the reason why I woke up. Duncan's phone's screen was alight as it buzzed on his nightstand. I carefully leaned over him, so as to not wake him, as I plucked his mobile off the stand. I slowly slipped off the bed, when I realised it was a phone-call causing the buzzing, and tip toed to the washroom before closing the door behind me with a soft click.

"Hello?" I answered the call as I grimaced at my reflection.

"Mrs. Marshall?"

"Yes. Good morning, Herbert." I greeted Duncan's extremely dedicated secretary. "It's Sunday morning, Herbert. Aren't you supposed to be spending time with family or attending the mass?"

"Yes, ma'am. But first I wanted to check in with sir. Can I speak to him?" He asked politely, making me glance at the door. "I'm afraid, he's not available at the moment. How about you tell me and I can give him the message?" I asked as I pulled the hairband off, freeing my blonde tresses.

"That works. Tell him that, there were no PR mishaps last night and everything has been handled as per his requests." I frowned at the weird message but shrugged it off. Duncan was known for keeping a tight leash on what people got to know about him or his company. "Okay, I'll make sure to give him the message. Have a good day, Herbert."

"You too, Mrs Marshall." I disconnected the call and stared at the phone. It felt weird that the first time I met Herbert, I thought him to be Duncan and he referred to me as Ms Davis. But now, only a few months after that, I was Mrs Marshall to him. It has been a while but still feels like it all happened yesterday.

Letting out a sigh, I placed the device next to the sink and started freshening up.


It was roughly after an hour that I climbed back up the stairs to his room, dressed in his shirt and armed with breakfast. Opening the door, I peeked in to see Duncan still asleep. I smiled softly and shook my head as I walked to the bed and placed the tray on the empty side of the bed.

I spread open the curtains letting sunlight to flood into the room. I wonder why I've a bay window, while his is a floor to ceiling one. I looked over my shoulder and chuckled when I heard him groan and turn the other way to stop the sunlight from hitting his face.

"Come on, darlin, it's time to wake up!" I sang as plopped down next to him. He just grumbled something under his breath, making me shoot him a confused look, which he clearly couldn't see. "Come on, wake up." I tried again but he just ignored me. He is seriously hard to wake up when he doesn't want to. I huffed in frustration as I stared at him sleeping but soon smiled when I actually saw him. He looked rather cute with his lips all pouty like a baby and the beautiful golden tone to his brown hair from the sunlight.

My knuckles softly grazed over his cheekbones before slipping into his soft light brown hair. I ran my fingers through the strands, slightly grazing my nails against his scalp in the process, enjoying the smooth feathery texture. My fingers faltered when I heard him hum and saw the upward lift on his lips as he smiled sleepily. "Continue doing that and I would never wake up..." His voice came out rough and husky from sleep, and I immediately withdrew my hand.

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